S I X T Y - S I X

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Duelling with Bellatrix was interesting to say the least.

She was still quite angry with me for talking back to her the other day. So, whenever she got the chance, she tried hitting me with random stunning spells.

I blocked them all, of course. I knew she was still unhappy with me and learned not to turn my back on her.

That doesn't mean she didn't get me a few times though. She is insane but she still manages to be a fantastic Witch.

I actually hit her with a couple decent spells myself before we both felt a burning sensation on our arms.

We paused our battle for a moment and peered up at each other. The sun was going down and we were just a couple yards away from the Manor.

Narcissa was the one that told us she doesn't want her garden all ruined.

So, after some huffing and puffing from Bellatrix, we landed here.

Bellatrix cackled. "Aha it's time. Come on."

She and I moved quickly down to the front doors of Malfoy Manor and went in. We darted down the Entrance Hall, the hallways and finally we made it to the Dining Hall.

Everyone gathered in and my father decided to speak. "Ahh, finally. My followers, you're here. Let's get started, shall we?"

Everyone nodded vigorously and we planned out how we were going to attack.

My father was going to go after the Minister himself.

Our jobs are to get in using Floo Powder and well, our flying of course. We had to get in and kill and hurt as many Ministry Officials and Department Heads possible.

Some would be brought back for torture — depending on who would bring us the most information on Harry Potter and his whereabouts — and some would be killed.


All will be killed, eventually.

My job was to go with Snape, Bellatrix, Lucius and Yaxley to try to find the Department of Mysteries to see if we could get any of information out of the wizards that worked in there.

Then, it was time.

I used my wand to summon my Death Eater mask and Pius passed me a robe.

I threw each of them on and held my wand tightly in my hand.

We started departing one by one and I gave Narcissa a hopeful glance.

She smiled assuringly and I spun on my heel, turning myself into a dark cloud.

I flew there in my cloud and it didn't take very long.

I got to the Ministry of Magic in a matter of a little bit over 5 minutes and I got in, in a matter of 2.

To be completely honest, I don't even remember how I got here.

The only thing I remember before getting into the Ministry, was Snape grabbing my arm and pulling me along.

Once we were in though, it didn't take long before havoc emerged.

Bellatrix started it all; she threw multiple hexes at some random Ministry workers and cackled madly.

People started screaming all around. They all ran to the fires and submerged in the green flames to get home or to somewhere safe.

I followed closely behind Lucius and Yaxley to get to the Department of Mysteries — somewhere they both knew well.

Dark Secrets (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now