S E V E N T Y - T H R E E

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August 13, 1997

I've tried to talk to Draco as much as I could. He was ignoring me as if I didn't exist.

And in all honesty, I deserved it; saying that to my father may have taken it to far.

Still, I tried to apologize.

He didn't listen and it usually ended up with me smashing something in my room and going down to see Hannah.

It had become quite a regular thing; going down to see Hannah.

Olivander hasn't told Hannah my identity out of — what I could only assume to be — fear.

The dreams kept happening every night, the same words kept playing and playing in my mind.

There are seven. Find them all, and rather than Hell, your life will be Heaven.

I was scratching them in my diary with my quill at the moment.

I needed to decipher them. They've been itching at me for days.

I looked at it again.

Some things were quite obvious.

For starters, what ever I had to find, there were 7 of and apparently, if I don't find them, my life will become a living Hell.

As if it isn't already.

But what did I need to find? Why was it so important?

Why did it mean Heaven or Hell?

I bit my lip as I sat on my bed, staring at the note I just wrote. I placed the quill on my nightstand and sighed.

When did this clue first come up?

And why did it keep coming up?

For example, last night I had an odd dream about being in a courtroom as a spectator while a Muggle-Born Witch got convicted of stealing magic.

Delores Umbridge was the woman leading the trial and underneath her hot pink robes and cardigan, I couldn't help but notice a green locket hanging from her neck, contrasting against the bold pinks.

As soon as I raised my hand to make a comment on it, I had been interrupted by that penetrating voice telling me all about seven items.

Then, I woke up.

And then the other night, I had dreamed of eating in the Great Hall, but, strangely I was at the Hufflepuff table.

I had been given a goblet. It was gold and absolutely stunning. It glistened as I spun it around in the candlelight.

It had to be expensive. So, when I opened my mouth to ask about who's it was and why I have this chalice, the voice came back again.

And once again, I woke up.

And the night before that, I had a dream of being in Ravenclaw Tower with Luna Lovegood who looked like Cinderella — the Muggle princess — as she spun around in a royal blue gown.

On her head, placed gently in her pale blonde, waist length hair was a tiara.

It had blue pendants on it the same exact shade as her dress and a great silver eagle at the top.

Luna was making quite smart comments and giving me riddles to answer, and, when I answered them correctly, Luna smiled at me brightly.

I got to ask her this time, I said. "Hey Luna, where did you get that tiara? It's absolutely gorgeous."

And her dreamy voice replied. "Thank you. It's a diadem, it belonged to R...."

Her voice was cut off, although her lips continued moving and the voice rang through my ears again.

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