T H I R T Y - S E V E N

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I sat next to Draco's hospital bed reading a book for Herbology.

He was just playing with my hand and reacting as Pansy told us about her date with Theo last night.

She was pacing as she reconciled the events from the night before.

"And then we went to Honeydukes and he bought me a ton of chocolates and sweets. Then we had a late dinner in the Three Broomsticks. It was so fun. He's so sweet. After that, we got back to Hogwarts and went to his dorm and- um you don't want to know the rest," Pansy paused. "Anyways, how was your night? Y/N, you didn't go back to any dorms last night so I'm assuming well,"

"Yeah, pretty good. Except for the fact that Draco made me sleep on a chair beside his bed rather than on the bed with him," I sarcastically mumbled. Draco sneered. "Fucking prick,"

"I know you are but what am I?" Draco teased.

I hit him with the heavy book I had in my hands. He whined.

Pansy giggled. "Did he actually make you sleep on a chair?"

He did.

He did make me sleep on a fucking chair.

"Yep," Draco and I both said in unison.

"The beds are tiny. Excuse me for wanting to be comfortable," Draco defended.

"Why didn't you just go to your dorm?" Pansy asked.

"Because you and Theo weren't the only ones having a fantastic night," I elaborated. "So did Blaise and Daisy,"

Pansy bursted into laughter and apparently her laughter was contagious because Draco laughed too.

After a bit of them laughing and me trying to ignore them, Pansy panted. "Draco,"

"Yes?" Draco calmed down hisself and gave me a cheeky grin.

"If you ever do that to your girlfriend again, I'll use a butcher knife to chop your dick off," she breathed and collapsed back in her chair.

Draco looked seriously scared of Pansy in that moment. I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Shouldn't you be with Nott, Parkinson?" Draco gulped, trying to play it cool.

Draco's a wimp. He's been scared of Pansy for years now, that's why he wouldn't tell her off in the years before with all the arm grabbing.

The playing with his hair though, I shuddered thinking about last time he caught someone playing with it.

You can mess with Draco Malfoy; call him names, turn him into an animal, punch him even -- oh, Hermione Granger, I don't like you, but that was bloody fantastic -- but never, I mean never touch this boys hair.

For him, that crosses the line.

Last time he caught someone playing with his hair was fourth year -- it was Pansy, obviously. Draco went psycho. First he swatted her hand away and yelled at her for touching it, keep in mind, Draco doesn't ever yell. He's actually fairly calm and collected. Well, on the outside of course.

Then he called her a bunch of foul names I will not mention before he made the announcement to the whole ass common room not to touch his hair, and I quote 'or else'. He scared the shit -- literally -- out of all of the first years.

After that, he proceeded to storm to his dorm like a two year old and fix his hair.

Daisy of course, made Draco apologize to Pansy.

I think that's when Draco really became scared of Pansy. She recalled all the names he called her previously while throwing everything she could possibly find at him.

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