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June 4, 1997
8:40 pm

"I'm always going to be the second choice," Alana said calmly as she popped a prenatal vitamin in her mouth.

I snatched a couple for her from the Hospital Wing. Madame Pomfrey wasn't in there when I grabbed them and the portraits were sleeping.

She needed to stay healthy if she wanted to keep this baby and she has to do that with or without Kayden.

"Hannah can go to hell," I mumbled, passing her a water bottle. She gladly took it and twisted the cap off. "I mean, breaking Kayden's heart in half and then deciding to fucking get back with him after a good month and a bit of him fucking suffering is pretty bloody sick if you ask me,"

Alana took a swig of the water to wash the pill down and wiped her lip with the pad of her thumb before setting the water back down on the floor of the lavatory.

This was our new spot for this kind of talk now; Moaning Myrtle's lavatory. It was pretty private and a good spot to talk. Myrtle was annoying sometimes but she rarely comes out to bug us due to her always circling the drains.

"It's fine Y/N," she started and shook her head.

"You should tell him," I pressured her again.

We have this conversation like five times a day. Well, ever since she told me about it.

"I told you, I can't. I'm not starting something like that. Once schools over I'll just stay home until I have the baby. Then, my mum can take care of them while I go back for sixth and seventh year. Kayden doesn't have to know," she insisted, leaning against the bathroom walls.

I grabbed her hand and clutched it tightly, trying my best to comfort her. I don't want to pry so much but now I'm part of this. Alana decided to tell me to get my input and this is was it.

"I still think you should tell him," I honestly sighed. "It's his baby just as much as it is yours,"

Alana looked me in the eyes. "One day, I will but as long as he's with Hannah, I don't think I can,"

"Okay," We sat there for a bit longer, on the floor of the vacant lavatory. Then I had another idea. "Why don't you tell Madame Pomfrey?"

"Are you mad?" Her head whipped towards me again. "Why in Merlin's name would I do that?"

I rolled my eyes. "Oh I don't know, maybe because you and the baby need to stay healthy and you can't do that if you don't get ultrasounds and shit,"

"I'll think about it," Alana bit her lip and nodded. I could tell she wanted to tell Madame Pomfrey, she just didn't want to get in trouble.

We sat there for a while longer before she got up. Me following behind her.

"Are you alright?" I asked her. Once again, a question I've now been asking her quite a lot lately.

"Yeah. Thank you Y/N, really but I should be heading back to the Gryffindor common room. Neville Longbottom is waiting for me anyway," she said calmly, putting her hand on her hip.

"Why Longbottom?"

"I'm failing Herbology. Professor Sprout gave me the benefit of the doubt and assigned Neville to tutor me for extra credit," Alana explained.

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