S E V E N T Y - N I N E

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October 9, 1997

A month had gone by. The leaves on the trees had started falling to the ground and the wind started blowing heartily.

I was walking on the grounds with Kayden at my side. His arms were wrapped around his torso in effort to keep himself warm.

"You should've worn a sweater." I teased in a singsong voice.

"I didn't think it would be this cold." Kayden retorted, groaning slightly.

"I warned you earlier, dumb ass." I said. He gave me cut eye. "Have you gotten any letters from Alana lately?"

Kayden sighed. "Yes, the baby is fine but her parents have gotten more controlling."


"That they don't approve of our relationship and don't want Alana to keep the baby. They changed their minds." Kayden raised his eyebrows at me.

"How's Lana taking it?"

"Horribly. Hasn't stopped crying," he pulled out a letter from his back pocket and unfolded it. Tear stains blotched the note. "See?"

"How's Oliver taking that?" I questioned.

Kayden smiled slightly. "Alana moved in with him and his girlfriend yesterday. He's not as hard on her as their parents are."

"I'm glad she's moved in with him. Oliver's good, never had a problem with him. Well, except for when he'd beat Slytherin in Quidditch." I chipped and scoffed at my own words.

"Same here. It feels like a lifetime since he went away, doesn't it?" Kayden said, mystified.

I glanced up at him and nodded. Then I groaned loudly.

He stared at me, confused look in his eyes. "What is it?"

"I have fucking Muggle Studies homework." I spat and let my head loll to the side.

He laughed. "Sucks to be you, I finished mine last night."

I rolled my eyes at him and nudged his shoulder. "I'm going back to the common room, you coming?"

"No, no," Kayden insisted. "I need to think. Just don't cause any trouble without me."

"I won't. Besides, what would I do without you?" I questioned, a light smirk playing at my lips.

"Promise?" He begged, raising his left eyebrow.

I groaned. "Promise."

"Good. Go do your work like a good student." He shot at me. I sneered and set out at a light run towards the castle.

There had been no one in the corridors. It was all vacant.

The students have taken refuge in their dormitories and common rooms as they were one of the only places that seemed safe in the castle anymore.

Over the past month, I had witnessed what the Carrow's had considered acceptable punishment.

Snape had made Draco and I, Head Boy and Girl on the Dark Lord's orders and behind closed doors, we would help the Carrows with punishing the 'misbehaved' students.

I had used the Cruicatus curse on many of familiar faces I had used to pass in the corridors.

Some of them included Neville Longbottom (although I had been hesitant), Lavender Brown, Romilda Vane and Zacharias Smith.

I had done countless hexes on first and second years. Draco had took on most of the hexes as he was still getting the hand of his Cruciatus Curse. I mostly did that because he could not.

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