F I F T Y - S I X

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June 15, 1997

"What did Potter say?" Draco asked, running a hand through his hair.

I just told him about what happened with Harry now. Turns out, I probably should've told him a while ago.

"He said 'you're working for him' and then said the Dark Lord's full name," I told him truthfully.

We were in the Room of Requirement. It's been a while since we were last here. We were going to play around with the Vanishing Cabinet and I thought maybe — after having a guilty consciousness for the last 5 days — that I should tell him.

"So, he knows," Draco scoffed. "How bloody fucking fantastic!"

I bit my lip nervously. "I denied it,"

"Do you think that matters?" He pressed both of his index fingers against his temples.

"For the record," I started, leaning across the table to tell him the known piece of information. "He grabbed my wrist. I didn't ask him too,"

"And I'll kill him for that," Draco added. "But why on earth wouldn't you use the spell my mother requested we use to hide it,"

"I wasn't thinking!" I screamed.

"That's the problem! You never think!" He slammed his hands down on the table and stared me dead in the eye.

My lip trembled. "Like when, Draco? When haven't I thought?"

"Like when you broke up with me and kissed Buckley. Or, was that part of a plan?" Suggested Draco. My mouth dropped open and I couldn't speak for a moment.

"I can't believe you just said that," I murmured. Then my voice raised. "I can't believe you just said that!"

"Deny it then," he dared.

I felt my eyes swelling with tears and a lump start in my throat. "Of course it wasn't part of a plan you fucking git!" My voice broke. "But I bet you fucking Astoria all those times were part of your big plan of destroying me further. Wasn't it?"

"Will you stop bringing up Astoria?!" Draco raised his voice and stood up, towering over me.

"When you stop bringing up Kayden!" I shouted at him. "Astoria is way worse too! You slept with her, Draco! I didn't sleep with Kayden, it was a kiss!"

"She was my rebound!" He explained, still clear anger in his tone. "I've told you that!"

"And kissing Kayden meant nothing! I told you that," I replied, crossing my arms. I closed my eyes so that no tears could escape. "But you keep bringing it up like I'm the bad guy,"

"Oh, so I'm the bad guy here then?" Draco raised his tone.

I opened my eyes and stood up. "Yes Draco, yes, you're the bad guy!"

"I am?" He scoffed, tongue rolling on his teeth.

"Yes! You keep getting mad at me for things I can't fucking control," I whimpered. "I didn't mean to kiss Kayden, I didn't mean to show Harry Potter my Dark Mark. I did it out of spite and my emotions took play,"

"I think it's the opposite," he said. "You want to get back at me,"

"You fucked Astoria Greengrass!" I yelled, the tears fell out of pure anger. My blood boiled inside of me. I pushed him so we had more space between us and he stumbled before regaining composure.

"I didn't want to break up with you! I felt like I had to. Draco, I'm going to say this slowly so you can get it into your thick skull because clearly, you don't understand. I. Didn't. Mean. To. Kiss. Kayden. Buckley," I cried. "And even if I did, I don't have to explain myself to you!"

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