E I G H T Y - N I N E

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January 2, 1998

Draco and I had recovered.

None of the Death Eaters, nor Narcissa had even brought it up. Even though, it hadn't been a question that they had heard the gut wrenching screams from Draco and I.

I think it's because none of them want to be misunderstood by the Dark Lord. In what way, I don't know. Maybe they don't want him to be suspicious on where their loyalties lie.

It was already 1998. Last year, around this time, Draco and I had made our relationship public to all of our friends and Narcissa.

Now we've been together for a little over a year but no time to celebrate like other normal couples did.

We just spent as much time as we could together.

Draco had become more quiet ever since the torture. I don't know what it was about him that had done that but it had.

I just felt guilty.

No matter how many times Draco told me it wasn't my fault, I couldn't help feeling as if it was.

Death Eater meetings went the same. It was if the torture never happened. It was as if my father had just forgotten Draco and I were in a relationship.

He avoided our eyes and focused on what really mattered to him: immortality and Harry Potter.

Today was different though, we were to have a full meeting before lunch and not after dinner.

Apparently somebody was going to join our ranks.

Who it was, I don't know.

We all walked in and took all of our seats as we would normally.

The only people that weren't here were Mr and Mrs. Zabini.

I started wondering who this new Death Eater could be. I mean, they must be good or worth something if the Dark Lord wanted them in our ranks.

"Gather round everybody! Tonight, we have a special treat. We will be initiating another," my father started. His red eyes glaring around the room in excitement. "But I won't make you wait, my followers. Bring him in."

Mr. Zabini opened the door and led in his wife clutching the arm of a boy taller than she was by many inches. He wore a black suit similar to Draco's and his lips were pursed.

It wasn't a prissy type of lip purse, it was more of a nervous lip purse.

The boy Mrs. Zabini was clinging onto was her own son; Blaise Zabini.

My breath got caught in my lungs and my chest pulsed rapidly. My gaze immediately caught Draco's and he was still looking at Blaise, shocked.

Blaise looked at Draco first and then at me, the same shock in our eyes did not reflect his.

It's like Blaise knew.

Did he know?

I watched as Blaise tore his gaze from Draco and I and looked around the table at his new ally's.

He looked displeased to even be here, let alone be a Death Eater.

But my father looked very, very ecstatic. He looked like a little child being told that Christmas had come early that year.

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