T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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Draco's POV
It's been two weeks since we broke up and we haven't worked on the cabinet once together.

We go at different times now, we still have enough respect for each other and our mission to cover each other during classes but we haven't spoke to each other since that day.

Astoria keeps trying to talk to me after that night as well.

I tried ghosting her, apparently that won't work. I've been talking to her a bit more than I should I guess, but in secret.

Luckily, I don't think any of my friends seen her go into my room.

I'm pretty sure Buckley would try to beat the shit out of me if he did.

I've been regretting how I reacted that night — the night we broke up — I don't think we could ever fix it if Y/N knew.

But she broke it off with me, she doesn't love me like I love her.

It wasn't going to work anyways.

Y/N isn't the only one who hasn't talked to me however. I actually had to sit with Crabbe and Goyle today due to my 'friend' group not letting me sit there because she was there and apparently hurt.

I call bullshit.

She's the one incapable of love, isn't she?

This whole life is bullshit.

It's a fucking sick joke.

If my mother and father's lives weren't at risk here, I'd pitch myself off the Astronomy Tower with no hesitation.

I walked across the snow filled grounds. February was on clearly on its way.

My footsteps cracked under me, making a rather satisfying sound as I walked down to the Quidditch pitch.

I've been spending too much time chugging Fire Whiskey and having meaningless sex with Astoria.

She's the one that wants it though, she keeps asking.

I got to the pitch and did something I haven't done since last years match against the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws, I sat on the stands.

I hated this whole situation, everything about these past two weeks have me going insane.

I haven't eaten anything in I don't know how long, the only thing I ever consume anymore is Fire Whiskey.

I don't get any sleep — not because of Astoria — because I can't stop thinking about Y/N.

I can't stop wondering why she ended our relationship.

How did my mother know?

For how long did she know?

In instinct, I played with the rings on my fingers without realizing.

I twirled them around over and over until I looked down at my cold hands.

The ring I was playing with was the one she gave to me, for Christmas.

I remembered what she told me, how I could see our memories though it.

My favourite ones of us.

I sighed and pulled it off my finger, bringing it to my right eye so I could peer into a little emerald gem.

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