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July 17, 1998

Little Hangleton.

It was a sacred place to me.

It was where my grandparents met and where my grandfather was killed by my father.

It was riddled with my family history.

Ha. Did you see what I did there?

That's why I live here, in a cottage at the edge of town near the forest.

It's at the opposite end of the Gaunt family cottage.

I love it here, I've been living here for three months — when the battle ended.

When I realized Draco did in fact leave me.

I checked Malfoy Manor for a week after that. I sent Draco letters upon letters.

They weren't there nor did Draco respond.

It crushed me in half, to bits.

He promised that he wouldn't leave me and he did.

I wish he had never made that promise.

Maybe it would've hurt less if he didn't make that promise.

With Kayden gone on top of that, my life was collapsing out from under me.

It felt as if the whole world was moving on without me, yet I was stuck in this darkness.

So, I moved far away and ignored everyone that tried to get ahold of me.

I built this cottage and bought my own clothes with the last of the money I got from Gringotts.

And I stayed there most of my days, emerging only for groceries with the little Muggle money I had gotten ahold of and for walks.

Today was a walking day.

It was a beautiful, sunny July day.

I was wearing a long white, summer dress with yellow flowers on it. It was airy and nice to wear with my sandals and large sun hat.

My hair was curled underneath it and the brown curls cascaded down my shoulders and it got so long that it also flowed down my back.

I was walking back to my cottage now, trying to avoid all chattering gossip from my neighbours who I've avoided talking to all this time.

I know they judge me.

I've heard them.

"Have you seen that tattoo on her arm?"

"It's quite dark isn't it?"

"She's quiet."

"She's a lovely girl, she just looks tired."

I ignored them all.

I was done with other people's bullshit.

Dark Secrets (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ