F O U R T Y - O N E

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"Daisy, Pansy, Blaise, Theo," I started. My friends were watching me prance over to the Slytherin table. "This is Alana," I said, pointing at my new friend.

"Alana Wood," she added confidently and put her hand out for the girls to shake.

"Daisy Beaumont," Daisy said sticking her hand out for Alana to shake.

Alana shook it and Pansy eyed her suspiciously.

"Gryffindor?" Pansy hissed.

"Yeah I know, Slytherin seems much cooler. I always thought I'd look better in green," Alana shrugged.

Pansy raised her head and stuck her hand out. "Pansy Parkinson,"

"Ahh, you two are sisters?" She nudged me in the side, before taking Pansy's hand and shaking it.

"Sadly, yes," I laughed.

Pansy eyed me and I stuck my tongue out at her.

Draco was walking into the hall and when he saw I was with Alana, he rolled his eyes. He walked over and stopped beside me, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Blaise Zabini, pleasure meeting you Wood," Blaise bowed his head, he didn't stick out his hand and Alana replied with a smile.

"Theodore Nott," Theo nodded to himself.

"Hot name," Alana replied then quickly slapped her mouth over her hand. "Ah, sorry I didn't mean to say that out loud,"

Pansy's eyelashes batted and she cleared her throat. "Sorry, Wood but he's taken,"

Pansy grasped Theo's arm and gave her a fake smile that said 'back the fuck off'.

Alana bit her lip in worry. "I'm so sorry Pansy, Theo. If I would've known-"

"It's fine Lana," I patted her shoulder. "Just so you know, Blaise and Daisy are together too," I winked.

Alana sat down beside me, her cheeks still flushed due to the embarrassing situation moments before.

My boyfriend took the seat across from us.

Draco chuckled as she buried her head in her hands for a quick second.

"So much for a first impression," she groaned.

"They'll warm up to you soon Gryffindork," I teased.

Draco was giving me a look.

He still didn't trust her.

The fact that she doesn't like the Golden Trio made him like her better but he told me as we walked into Care of Magical Creatures today that she gave him a bad vibe of some sort.

I think he's being ridiculous.

"Malfoy?" Lana asked him, looking up. Draco looked at her questionably. "Did I screw up?"

Draco scoffed. "Royally,"

Alana bit her lip and looked at Pansy.

"She takes time to warm up too," I said, trying to help.

I usually wouldn't go out of my way to be nice to a younger, Gryffindor student but she was different somehow. Plus, I needed new friends.

"Pansy's also very protective of the guys she likes," Draco murmured. "I have first hand experience in that department,"

I shot him a look, telling him to shut up but he clearly didn't listen.

"She liked you?" Alana scoffed. "Ew, why?"

Dark Secrets (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now