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*Right after Y/N left through the cabinet*

Draco's POV
She's gone.

She's fixing the ruddy thing.

I know it's probably not going to take long so I stayed by the cabinet door waiting to hear weight fill the empty door again.

It usually took about 5 minutes but I found myself waiting.




Where the fuck is she?

I opened the cabinet doors and searched every inch.


Where'd she go?

I found myself panicking and fiddling  with my rings.

If she's somehow gone — I- I don't know what I'd do.

Why did I let her go in? It should've been me.

I started pacing around the room fooling with the wand in my hands.

My breath became more hitched the more I thought of the possible places she could be.

And it was my fault.


As I was pacing, I tripped over something, a sort of cauldron it looked like.

I kicked it in anger, as well as kicking a bunch of the other shit in this fucking dumb room.

I made my way through and sat myself on her usual chair and ran a hand through my usually neat hair.

My face went into my hands as I mumbled cuss words in stress and anger.

She should be back by now.

As my hands slid out of my hair and face, an emerald glistened — teased me, if you will.

It was the ring.

I pulled it off my finger gently and toyed with it in my hands before finally making the decision to put it to my eye.

Hopefully the memory will calm me down.

Third Person POV


Umbridge had left to go punish some kids for still using the banned Weasley products and happened to leave the fifth years alone.

The Inquisitorial Squad.

What an honour.

Anything to stop Potter and his army from according to Umbridge; "taking over the Ministry,"

Draco Malfoy; the handsome, blond, 15 year old Slytherin boy was Umbridge's third in command (next to Filch).

He was left in charge of the other members; Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Millicent Bullstrode, Daphne Greengrass, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, Daisy Beaumont, Kayden Buckley and Y/N Parkinson.

They were all trying to catch Potter in his act and we're all coming up with a plan to give to Filch — who was currently trying to catch Peeves lurking in the upstairs corridor whilst causing a havoc.

All of the Slytherins gathered in a circle to make this plan while Pansy Parkinson clutched to Draco's arm.

Millicent and Daphne giggled as one of their close friends tried to get according to her; the man of her dreams.

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