T H I R T Y - F I V E

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I walked into the Great Hall late.

It was dinner and I told Draco I'd meet him down as I was finishing up some Muggle Studies homework. As much as I didn't want to, I had to do it because it's a mandatory class.

I graced the school with my presence as I walked down to the Slytherin table. I looked around the Hall and the Gryffindor table was more giddy than usual.

I spotted an extra head of flaming hair than I've seen for the past week.

Ron Weasley was out of the Hospital Wing.


I mean, I'm glad he's okay but I hope the Golden Trio doesn't look into who poisoned him and such.

He was hanging out with Granger again.

I could only think of what Kayden was telling the others.

Kayden and Theo, they gossiped worse than the third year girls.

It's insane!

I got to my seat and sat down to eat but Draco wasn't there.

He left me in my dorm to go eat and he's not even here.

"Hey, have you guys seen Draco?" I asked the others.

As I suspected, they were gossiping about the whole 'Romione' situation.

"No, he hasn't came down," Pansy responded.

"Weird," I whispered.

Theo and Kayden started making up random scenarios that had to do with Ron and Hermione.

Gosh, they were annoying.

"Oh look, there's Katie Bell," Daisy said as her vision glued to the doors entering the Hall.

I spun around, maybe a little too quick and it looks like Granger noticed Bells arrival as well because she was nudging Potter whom was across the table from her with his nose in a book.

Potter got up and made his way to Bell, probably sticking his annoying arse in places where it doesn't belong.

Trying to be the damned hero again.

I got off my seat and started walking down to the doors of the Great Hall.

"Where are you going Y/N?" Blaise asked.

"Washroom," I responded half-listening and darted down to the doors.

I got about half way down the Slytherin table and came to a halt when I saw Draco walk in. He looked extremely stressed out and as if he was about to pass out.

He caught Potter's eye and turned away quickly, almost running off.

Potter turned away from Bell and dashed off to follow behind Draco.

I don't think Draco realized and after Potter left the Hall, I made my way down as well.

It was a lot of sharp turns and random curves but I recognized the way as the way to Moaning Myrtle's lavatory and I took another route; a shortcut if you will.

I made it into the lavatory before both of the boys and dashed my way into a stall. I wanted to hear what was going on.

Draco came in panting and as I peered my way out of a crack between the walls of the stall. He stood over a sink and was breathing very heavily.

I turned my head to see Potter watching him as Draco bowed his white-blond head.

I could tell Draco couldn't keep in his emotions anymore, he was on the edge and he was bound to fall off soon.

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