S I X T Y - N I N E

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Draco and I got back to Malfoy Manor in a couple minutes.

We raced again and when we got to the ground, we held hands as we walked into the house, my bag of diaries slung over his shoulder.

Then, we went up to my room where he sat the bag next to my bed. He shut the door and locked it before heading to sit on my bed where I sat, unzipping the bag.

He sat next to me and I pulled out a diary. "Maybe I should read it first." I pondered out loud, biting my lip.

"No." Draco groaned and snatched it from my hand. My face heated up as he opened it.

I didn't even want to argue with him. I pulled out another one and laid my head on his lap, starting to read myself.

This diary was from when I was 10. The year before I started at Hogwarts.

I was so sour about how my parents treated Pansy. It was revolting. Why did I want their attention so bad when I could've gotten it somewhere else?

As I was reading the third diary entry in that book, I cringed. Draco bursted into laughter and stared at the words on the paper.

"What did you find?" I panicked, sitting up straight.

It took a second for him to respond, but when he did, he had to take breaths between. "You're in second year and it's the day we got there, September 1st. Do you remember?"

"Y-yeah?" I stuttered, nervous on what he found.

"Well, you were describing how absolutely — and I quote — 'handsome and mature' I was and completely drooling over me-" I felt my eyes go wide and my cheeks flush. "- do I need to remind you what I looked like then?"

I paused. "No, I'm good."

"You- you-" he laughed as hard as he could. "How long have you fancied me for, Y/N?"

"Since beginning of sixth year." I lied, burying my head in my hands. I tried to get rid of the red staining my cheeks.

"Your diary says otherwise," he smirked. Then, he grabbed my chin with his hand and leaned into my ear. He whispered. "Come on, darling. How long have you fancied me?"

I shook my head, refusing to respond. He kissed down my jawline and brought his other hand to my neck to clamp it tight.

I relished in the pleasure for a moment before he asked again. "How long have you fancied me? Truthfully, this time."

"Since first year, when I met you." I huffed.

He smirked and pulled away. "Good girl."

"Fuck you." I said.

"You want to." He added.

I sulked and read more into the diary. Out of nowhere he started laughing again. "You liked my hair!" He laughed, his normally white face was red in laughter. "You said you liked my hair!"

My cheeks flushed again and I shut the diary I was holding sharply. "Read it to me! I don't want to read on my own anymore."

"No." He scoffed.

"But it's my birthday." I whined.

He rolled his eyes and used his middle and ring finger to motion for me to come over. "Come here." He gave in.

I smiled giddily and flew into his arms. He read aloud to me.

"This is from perspective of second year of you, Y/N on October 5, 1992. Okay, I'm not saying this. It's all you-" Draco cleared his throat. "Here we go,—"

Dark Secrets (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now