Part 51

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Life after Hogwarts

Life after Hogwarts

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Life after Hogwarts was something Athena couldn't wrap her head around.

Summer had been fun, it really had. She enjoyed her time with Fred and George- she and Fred had begun to explore new levels of their relationship, especially now that the two were living together. She also enjoyed just relaxing at the loft, and she'd catch up a lot with Sirius and Remus. She'd even go to The Dursley's sometimes to visit Harry, who seemed miserable there.

Athena felt horrible about her brother's situation. If it was up to her, she'd have Harry under her care until he turned 17; which wasn't long from now, it was happening this year. However, Dumbledore wouldn't allow it. He said that going to the Dursley's was for Harry's protection, but she didn't understand how Harry living under an abusive household would do any good. 

However, as much as Athena had enjoyed her summer, it was also coming to an end. And for the first time- it hit her. 

She was an adult. 

Not only was it strange for her to suddenly find herself having to be an adult, but also to find that Fred and George were now adults as well. She'd noticed the two were growing to be more responsible every day, especially with Weasley Wizarding Wheezes gaining more attention, and don't get Athena wrong, she was very attracted to Fred's responsible and in control manner, but there was a part of her that hadn't expected the two of them to take their business so seriously. 

She was proud of them though, seeing them accomplish so much made her beam with pride. 

And while Fred and George had been busy making their dreams finally come true, so was Athena. She'd been accepted into the Auror Training Program with the Ministry in July- which was a big deal, as not many applicants had been accepted, and it required high marks in order to get it, but Athena had the grades to get in.

Her N.E.W.T.S results had been exceptionally well, they'd all been high marks- all Exceeds Expectations and Outstandings, which made Athena and everyone around her beam with happiness when they knew, even Umbridge- who hated Athena had to give her an Exceeds Expectations, no amount of hatred could hinder the fact that the girl was brilliant at the subject.

The only issue was that Athena had started training late, she would've started earlier, but considering she'd been unconscious for most of June, and the month of July was mostly her recovering from her accident and moving into the flat, she'd been busy.

The rest of Athena's friends had become busy as well, everyone was starting their adult lives. She'd kept in contact with a fair share of her close friends.

Isabella had become an editor for Luna's dad in the Quibbler- which didn't surprise Athena in the slightest, Isabella had always been close with Luna when they were at Hogwarts. She'd also always taken a liking to write, so the job seemed well suited for the girl. 

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