Part 62

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No more wasted time 

No more wasted time 

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Athena Potter had almost forgotten how daunting the death eater's symbol truly was.

She had only seen it once in her life, and very briefly. It had been a couple of years back when she was in her fourth year and everyone was blissfully unaware of what was yet to come. They had been at the Quidditch World Cup, the death eaters had attacked, but Fred had grabbed Athena, along with Ginny and George to safety so quickly, that the girl had barely seen it by the time everything was over.

Although now, as Athena stood in front of the school she'd called her home for so many years, her heart ached. The dark mark had been above the school, and just thinking about what was about to go down was making Athena nauseous.

She couldn't believe that Hogwarts was being attacked when Moody had first told her and Tonks. Athena believed it to be impossible, that she would never see the day where Hogwarts was a place that was unsafe.

"Potter, we have to get going." Kingsley's boomed, his loud voice snapping Athena out of her trance.

The rest of the Aurors had appeared not long after Tonks, Moody, and Athena had called for them- although, there were many still missing and that had become evident.

Athena looked up at the Auror, eyes wide, "But Kingsley, the Ord-" The man cut her off, "We have already informed the Order, McGonagall told us they'll be here as soon as possible. Right now we have to go inside, we need to start fighting."

Athena quickly nods, tightening her grip on her wand and looking at Tonks anxiously. This was what she had been preparing for, this is what her future calls for.

Because while Athena Marlene Potter was scared shitless to enter Hogwarts, she knew one thing.

She wasn't going to leave this battle without putting up a fight.


"Stupefy!" Athena cried out, dodging another spell coming her way- sparing a quick glance down the hallway, making sure that no other death-eaters were planning on coming her way.

They had been in battle for at least fifteen minutes, and the Order was yet to be seen.

Kingsley had told Athena that they would be there as fast as possible, meaning that Fred, George, Isabella, and Elliot would be here fighting alongside her. Cedric was already inside Hogwarts- as he worked there, and Athena couldn't deny the idea of her friends being in the battle made her all the more anxious. The last thing she wanted was for the people she loved to be in close proximity to such horrid people.

"Athena!" A voice cried out, one she recognized to be Cedric. The two had been paired up together, as Kingsley and McGonagall advocated very early on that no one should be left alone. "Behind you!" Cedric exclaimed, making Athena turn around.

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