Part 30

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Year 7: Defense Against the Dark Arts

Year 7: Defense Against the Dark Arts

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"Everyone take a seat," Umbridge demands, her voice causing the previous discussion between students to die down. 

Today was the first class the seventh years had with her, and Athena was dreading it. From what Ron, Hermione, and Harry had told them, she's bloody awful. Harry had managed to land detention with her already. 

"Nastily, Exhausting, Wizarding, Tests," Umbridge says, swishing her wand as the words appear on the board. "More commonly known as N.E.W.T.S, study hard, and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so, and the consequences may be severe."

Fred groans from beside Athena, from what he and George had told her, the two of them could care less about taking their N.E.W.T.S, Athena on the other hand, needed to care about them if she wanted to be an Auror. 

The books begin to levitate across the classroom, a book landing on each desk in the class. Athena flips through the pages, reading them carefully, but she couldn't help but notice there was nothing about defensive spells in them. "Professor," Isabella calls out, "There is nothing on here about doing defensive spells." She says as if reading her friend's mind. 

Umbridge giggles, Athena making a face at the wretched sound, how could something sound so sweet and horrid at the same time? "Using spells? I can't imagine why you would need to use spells." She says, making George scoff from behind Athena, "We're not using magic?" He asks, a confused look on his face as he spoke. 

"We will be learning spells in a secure risk-free way." Umbridge states. 

Athena rolls her eyes at the logic of her teacher, she knew that with Voldemort being back that there was no way the students would learn how to be safe without actually performing magic. "Anything to say, Ms. Potter?" Umbridge asks, noticing the girl's eye roll. 

She nods, "Actually yes, professor." She says. "What use will what we're doing in class be if we get attacked? That won't be risk-free." Athena says, trying not to sound too annoyed with the teacher- she didn't want detention already. Umbridge shrieks slightly, tensing up as the girl spoke out. "How funny, your brother said the same thing. I guess speaking out against superiors runs against the family."

Athena clenches her fist tightly, her nails digging into the palm of her hand. Fred notices the girl's anger, resting his large hand on her thigh. "Easy love," He says calmly between his teeth- not trying to get into trouble for talking. Athena blushes at his touch, butterflies appearing in her stomach that she pretended to ignore. 

"How is theory going to help us with what's out there?" Elliot says from the back of the class, making a few surprising murmurs go through the class, as most of the Slytherins had been suck-ups to Umbridge since her arrival. 

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