Part 59

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Go get the girl, Ced. 


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Athena's heart had dropped upon reading George's note. 

This was the harsh reality of the war, she realized. It had gotten to the point where she and Fred couldn't even go out for a couple of hours without something horrible happening. 

"H-how is this possible? Why would she be at Hogwarts instead of St. Mungos?" Athena asks, her voice shaky as she spoke. "I don't know, love," Fred says behind her- he had been reading the note as well and seemed to be just as concerned. "But we better get going, I'll set up the network now." He says, ushering over to their fireplace. 

While Fred had begun to set up their transportation, Athena froze in place. Her mind began to wander to the worst case possible, and part of her began to wonder the reasons as to why Isabella had been attacked. 

Apparently, Athena's thoughts had drowned out Fred's words, because once she had snapped out of them, she heard Fred repeatedly calling out to her. "Love?" He asks, "Are you ready to go?" 

Athena nods weakly, "Yeah... sorry, it's just-" Fred cuts her off, "I know, me too. But the sooner we get there the better," He tells her. 

The two-step inside the fire-place, the power inside Fred's hand and ready to be thrown at any moment. 



When Athena and Fred had arrived at Hogwarts, the two wasted no time rushing over to the Hospital Wing. 

However, to their surprise, they had run into a tear-stained Cedric instead. 

He had been sat on a bench in front of the Hospital Wing, looking more tired than Athena had seen him in a long time. His hair messy, hands shaking, and although she couldn't see his eyes, she already knew they would be bloodshot. 

"Ced?" Athena asks, making the man in front of her lift his head out of his hands. "Athena?" He asks, his heartbroken expression making Athena's face soften, "Hi, love," She says calmly, taking a seat next to him, a reassuring hand on his knee. 

"How did you guys get here?" He asks, "We wanted to send a Patronus, but Remus said that you guys were-" Fred cuts him off, "George put a note in the flat before leaving," He answers, "How is she?" The Weasley asks, making Cedric take a sharp breath. 

"N-not so good," He says, "S-she, sh-she got hit with an unforgivable." He continues, making Athena audibly gasp as tears filled her eyes. "What?!" She exclaims, a horrid feeling rising in her throat as her mind began to think about the Ravenclaw getting tortured, a shudder running through her spine. 

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