Part 27

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Order of the Phoenix 

Order of the Phoenix 

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The school year had come to an end, and it was safe to say that with the reveal of Voldemort being back, and Cedric's current state; nobody was happy. 

Fred and George had desperately tried to convince Athena to spend the summer at the Burrow, now that she was of age, and didn't legally need to be under the Dursley's supervision. Ron and Ginny had asked her as well, but Athena couldn't leave Harry alone with the Dursley's, what sister would she be if she did?

As for Cedric, he was still hospitalized at St. Mungos, and there weren't any major changes with him. Isabella and Elliot would visit him often, going as much as they could, and would send Athena letters with any updates, but so far nothing had changed. He was still in a coma, but he was alive, and that was all that mattered to the three. 

Throughout the summer, Athena had desperately tried to convince Vernon and Petunia to let her go to St. Mungos, but the two had refused, claiming that she was to be nowhere near magic-related things until she had to go back to school.

And even though Athena had become of age in May, she'd been so busy with everything she didn't get the chance to take her apperation test, meaning she couldn't apparate even if she wanted to. 

The thing that had surprised the girl the most, however, was that with the exception of Harry, Isabella, and Elliot, everyone had gone missing on her. She'd spoken to Fred and George briefly at the start of summer, but they hadn't replied to her since the first week of summer, Remus hadn't spoken to her since the beginning either, he'd sent one letter, saying he'd hoped to see her, but neither she nor Harry had heard from him after that. 


"You did what?!" Athena shouted at her brother, slapping the newspaper on his shoulder. "I-erm, cast a Patronus in front of Dudley?" He says sheepishly, scratching his neck awkwardly. 

Athena began to pace back and forth in the now empty living room, which was only empty because the Dursley's had just left to get Dudley to the hospital. 

The girl puts her pacing to a halt, taking a deep breath to compose herself, before breaking out into panic. "Harry James Potter! Are you out of your mind!" She shouts, "You could be expelled, it's illegal!" She reminds him, sounding awfully like Hermione in that moment. Several scenarios run through Athena's mind, wondering what could happen to her brother. "Why didn't you get me? I'm of age! I can do magic outside of Hogwarts now," She scolds, making Harry scoff. 

"It wasn't exactly like I could up and leave Dudley to get you, there was a dementor Athena!" He says. 

Athena sighs, knowing her brother was right. But then, as if people were hearing the siblings' conversation, an owl flew into the house and dropped a letter onto Harry's hands. 

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