Part 28

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12 Grimmuald Palace 

12 Grimmuald Palace 

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Things at the Order's headquarters had been busy since the arrival of Athena and Harry Potter. With people coming in and out of the place, it was hard to tell who was actually living there. Athena spent most of her time with Fred and George, doing useless things to pass the time since none of them were allowed to leave the house, which they found complete torture. 

However, there was a difference in the twins- more specifically Fred, that Athena had noticed. He'd become much more flirty, making comments, or trying to sneak in cuddles, holding her hand like it had become second nature. He'd gotten flirter with the girl, not that she was complaining. 

Harry had his trial with the Ministry a couple of days ago, and thank Merlin the Ministry had decided to allow him to come back to Hogwarts, Athena wasn't sure what she would've done if he was expelled, with everything going on right now, he was still the safest at Hogwarts, under Dumbledore's protection. Who knew what was out there? 

Everything right now was just far too dangerous. 


Fred and Athena currently sat on the couch, his arm had managed to snake around her waist, the girl snuggled into his side, her arms happily wrapped around his middle. No one had seemed to comment or care about the two's cuddles since it'd become a common thing since Potter's arrival. 

"Can you believe we're about to begin our final year at Hogwarts?" Athena asks, part of her unable to believe how fast the years had passed. Fred laughs softly, "Blimey, if you ask me it's seven years too long," He jokes, making Athena shake her head and roll her eyes jokingly, "Freddie! You can't even be the least bit sentimental?" 

He chuckles, "I'm only joking love, but yes. It's going to be weird not going back next year, but I can't wait to open the joke shop." At the mention of his joke shop, his brown eyes lit up- and Athena loved to see him so excited. 

Fred and George had been keeping the girl informed of their dream since last year, and she could not be more excited for the two. She knew from the start that nothing could suit them more, they weren't made out to have a boring desk job at the Ministry. 

So when Harry told his sister he wanted to give Fred and George his Tri-Wizard tournament earnings, she was more than onboard. 

Fred begins to trace circles on the girl's arm, something that made her heart flutter. "What about you, what do you want to do after Hogwarts?" He asks. 

At the end of last year, Athena had sat down with Professor McGonagall. Something that had always scared Athena was that she didn't know what she would do after she graduated, and the fact that her final year was nearing, and she still didn't have a clue, scared her terribly. So she and her favorite professor sat down and decided what would be best for her. 

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