Pansy didn't even bother to look at me since the incident in Potions. I took this forced opportunity to talk to her.

"Pans, can we talk?" I asked her as McGonagall wrote the essay title on the board.

"I've heard enough Y/N." She spoke crystal clear as she copied the notes with her snow white quill.

"You didn't hear anything, you assumed." I whisper shouted.

"You didn't deny it."

"You didn't give me a chance too!"

"Then deny it." She put her quill down for a second and gestured toward me, giving me her full attention.

I didn't talk.

"That's what I thought." She scoffed as she shook her head and continued writing.

"I don't like Draco." I picked up my quill and started copying off the board as well.

"You clearly do if you're skipping classes to hook up with him."


"Don't even hide it Y/N. I noticed the other day, you nor Draco were in Charms."

"I don't skip class to fuck him."

"So you don't fuck him?"

"That's not what I said."

"Then tell me oh wise one, what did you say?"

"Pansy, I'm sorry okay? I know you like him and I went for him anyways but it just sort of happened and it doesn't mean anything."

"How many times?"

"Sorry, what?"

"How many times have you guys done it?" She asked, gulping. I could hear the hurt in her voice.

"I don't know, maybe three times." I shook my head in awe that she was asking me this.

"Fuck you." She scoffed and I could see a tear start to roll down her cheek before she quickly swiped it up with her hand.

"I said I'm sorry!" I whisper shouted.

"Sorry isn't good enough now! You hooked up with the boy I've been in love with since first year!"

"Love is a strong word."

"That fits in this situation."

"You should have moved on ages ago, he doesn't like you."

"Maybe if you weren't such a fucking filthy whore he would." She spat at me her quill was down on her paper now and she was wiping tears away as soon as they slipped from her eyes.

"You bitch." I huffed.

"That's me, 'Pansy Parkinson the Draco Malfoy obsessed bitch'" She said as she closed her books.

"Class dismissed." Professor McGonagall waved her wand, forcing everyone's chair to scoot back a tad, waking up any sleeping students (Crabbe).

Pansy marched out of the classroom, clutching her books tightly. Her dark brown hair bouncing behind her.

I stood there speechless as I watched her turn the corner.

"Are you alright?" I felt a hand caress my waist.

"Yeah, Pansy just found out about us that's all." I turned to the blonde, his grey eyes, held dark bags under them.

"How?" Draco asked.

"She just pieced the missing classes with what happened last night. That's besides the point, when did you last sleep?" I turned to him and lightly brushed his cheek with my fingers.

Dark Secrets (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now