"He wouldn't hurt you would he?" He asked, now looking confused.

I laughed.

"Do you know who you're talking about? Of course he would! He doesn't give a fuck about me"

"I care about you." He said plainly. I looked up at him through hooded eyes.

"Why?" I blurted, I was so desperate to know the answer.

"Because I've known you since we were 11 and you seem to know where I'm coming from in a lot of different situations. You're also very enticing." He stared at his feet while telling me this, I immediately felt horrible.

"Please don't." I gulped and stared at my hands. I felt a figure plop down beside me on his bed.

"Why?" His hand pulled my face towards his, I stared into his grey eyes, my ocean blue one full of guilt.

"Draco." I pleaded with him, seeing nothing but the temptation in his eyes.

"Y/N." He said back. I turned my head away from him.

"I can't do this." I put my head in my hands.

"Why not Y/N?" He pressured me into saying.

"Because I can't love, alright?" I snapped slightly and glanced at him for his reaction.

"What do you mean 'you can't love'?" He asked calmly, his lustful eyes now clouded with wonder.

I sighed and turned away from him once more.

"You see, my father, Voldemort," I gulped and he flinched slightly "He can't love, he wanted my mother for selfish reasons and my mother was blinded by her supposed love for him, so she kept getting whatever she could from him. I was created on half love, half lust. Since I take everything from my father like my looks, attitude and personality it's only destined that I'd take in his ability not to love."

"Why can't your father love?" He asked, shifting over on his bed, closer to me.

"His mother, my grandmother, Merope Gaunt fell in love with a Muggle man named Tom Riddle. He didn't love her back or even notice her to be honest, so she came up with a plan. She made a love potion which is known now as amortentia and gave it to the filthy Muggle man,"

"You know as well as I do that amortentia creates powerful infatuation or obsession, not actual love. She became pregnant with my father and stopped giving Tom the potion because she thought since she was pregnant he would stay. She was wrong and he left her, stupid witch if you ask me, and she gave birth to my father in a Muggle orphanage months later,"

"Her last request was to name him Tom Marvolo Riddle. Tom after that filthy Muggle, Marvolo after her father and rather than Gaunt, she named him Riddle. She died only an hour after he was born." I explained in detail.

"How do you know you're like your father?" He was deeply invested in the conversation.

"I haven't gotten any resemblance to my mother. Everything in me reflects my father." I turned to him again, staring at Draco. His head was down and he was staring at his hands, in deep thought.

"Maybe love is the one thing you have that your father doesn't, the one thing you got from your mother." His glare shot up like he just figured out something grand.

"I don't think so Draco." I sighed "I don't want to hurt you, please don't get attached."

"That's how I know you're not like your father." His piercing glare dug into my soul.

"What? I'm not following you." I shook my head.

"You care; about me, about Pansy, though you won't admit it, about Blaise, Daisy, Kayden. You care." He smirked.

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