Flirt (Dean X Reader)

Start from the beginning

"Problems with your partner?" the bartender asks taking my attention
"You have no idea" I say still looking at Dean. He places another shot in front of me
"On the house" he says
"Thank you" I say and I drink it.
"So are you together or not because I'm confused" he says
"Me too actually. You know what? It's complicated lately" I say
"I'm not asking as gossip, I'm asking because I wanna know if I can take you home with me in a about an hour that my shift is over" he says causing me to chuckle. The truth is that I was too shy to answer and I'm sure that I'm blushing. You know what? I should do what he does. Let's see how he feels. And if he doesn't care, I'm willing to do anything until I get his attention.
"Maybe you can" I say and he smiles.

"So FBI huh? Hard to get in?" he asks
"No, not really. The hard part it's the job itself. What about you? How long have you been working in this place?" I ask
"Since I was 18. It's nice and mostly quiet cause the town is small, you know" he says
"But I bet you had the opportunity to... meet many of them, especially the girls" I say
"Maybe but none of them are like you" he says and I laugh trying to seem like I was enjoying the conversation like Dean enjoyed his and draw his attention from the ginger.

And I did. In a few seconds he was next to me. "Hey, stop she is taken" he says to the bartender
"Well, she wasn't sure about it" he says and Dean looks at me. I chuckle and I drink my beer.
"We are leaving" he says paying for our drinks and drags me outside.

"What was that?" he asks
"What? I didn't do anything" I say
"And then why did you tell him that you are single?" he asks
"I didn't say that. I said that it's complicated" I say
"Complicated? We've been together for 6 years and it's complicated? What part is of our room confusing you?" he asks
"The part that you are flirting with a different girl in every location" I say
"What? I don--" he says but I interrupt him
"Don't say that you don't. It was just happening in there because you don't even try to hide it anymore. I've saw you many times, almost in every location we go. Now you're gonna ask why didn't I say anything earlier or the first time I saw you? Because I was giving one more chance everytime. But now I'm out of chances. I gave you too many and thank you for making me realize that" I say furious.

"So that's why you were flirting with the bartender?" he asks
"Yes. To see if you still care" I say
"Well, you got your answer. Satisfied?" he asks
"No! Because I can't stop thinking about you flirting with her. I did that with one guy and look at you. Imagine I would do it as many times as you did" I say even more furious than before. "And only God knows if you haven't been with any of them" I say
"I never cheated on you" he says
"Oh thank you. Would you like a stuffed bear as a reward?" I say ironically "You've been cheating on me, in front of my eyes all this time!" I yell.

He got ready to answer but his phone rang. "What?" he asks picking up. "Ok Sam, we are on our way" he says and walks to the car. "The manager is one of werewolves probably the leader of the pack and he is in his office right now. Come on" he says
"No, I'm gonna walk. You go get Sam and I'll find you there. It's closer from here anyway" I say
"It's closer or you don't want to come with me?" he asks
"Both" I say and I turn around to leave.

About 15 minutes later we met outside the office. Dean and I didn't say anything to eachother causing Sam to notice that there is something wrong. But he knew better than to question it. I loaded my gun with silver bullets and we headed inside. We were expecting four werewolves but it should be easy. We headed downstairs, where was his 'secret' basement.

"Stay behind me" Dean whispers
"No" I whisper
"(Y/N), it's not time for this" he says
"I don't care. I don't need you to protect me" I say and I go in first. A werewolf jumps at Dean and I shot him before Dean could even get back up. But the rest three of them attack us and one of them jumps on my back. I fall on the ground but I immediately roll to the side to avoid his punches. I had dropped my gun away from me and towards where Dean was fighting with the other werewolf.

"Crap" I curse under my breath because I couldn't reach it and I didn't want to ask for his help.
"Are any of us winning?" Dean asks
"Shut up" I say as I kick the werewolf away from me and I try to grab my gun but he grabs my leg and pulls my back.
"Oh she speaks" Dean says as we fight with the werewolves driving me even more mad
"Don't try to come out like you're the one who's right. You're tired of me and bored, I got it" I say
"I never said that" he says
"You didn't have to. Lately all you do is flirting and ignoring me. And as it is for sex... You just turn the auto pilot on and you go from there. The same over and over again" I say and I finally grab my gun.
"Guys, not here, not now!" Sam says. He wasn't winning over the werewolf so I shoot him killing him quickly. "Thanks" he says.

I turn to shoot the werewolf that I was fighting with but before I could he manages to punch me really hard in the stomach causing me to fall on the wall hitting the back of my head. I fall on the ground and I fight to keep my eyelids open. I was super dizzy and my whole body was in pain.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Dean killing the last werewolf. The bad pain was slowly going away which allowed me to move. Sam and Dean both come to me and offer to help me stand up. But I take Sam's hand and Dean rolls his eyes. "Are you ok?" Sam asks
"I'll be fine, I think" I say and he nods.
"Let's go" Dean says and we follow him outside.

On the way to the car I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and I stopped walking. I lean against a column that was right next to me. Sam and Dean also stopped as they realized that I'm not following them anymore. "What now? You wanna come back to the bunker by foot?" Dean asks
"Go to the car, I'll there in a second" I say
"Are you sure?" Sam asks
"Yeah, go" I say. I felt my throat really sore and like I needed to cough. At first I tried to hide it but soon it became worse. I start coughing and after a couple of coughs I spit blood on my hand. That moment my eyelids started getting heavier and I felt my legs get weaker. Soon my body was falling on the ground and the last thing that I remember is Sam and Dean yelling my name.

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