Bonus chapter1

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Coming out of her bedroom, Hanan open the bedroom door opposite hers, she look at the 7years old kid who is soo engross reading a book on his bed to even notice her presence and clear her throat.

"Mummy."the boy say looking up from his book with a smile on his face.

"Light off Hafiz, it's 12:00am what are you even reading by this time we have a long journey tomorrow."hanan say sitting on the edge of the bed beside her son.

"I know mum but i will be fine let me j.........the boy try arguing but hanan snatch the book from him.

"Let's go to bed."Hanan say and lay on the bed with him.

"I love you mum."the boy say clinging to his mum she smile and kiss his forehead.

"I love you my baby, daddy love you too."Hanan say and the boy humm in response with his eyes close.

Hanan breathe a heavy breathe it's been 6years 11months 3weeks and 6days since her husband died but she is unable to move on,After hafiz death hanan has been diagnosed with all sort of depression she spend about 1year in a psychiatric hospital but with time Hanan begin to adjust so she could take care of there son, but anytime she look at her son who she named after her late husband she cry the similarities between the two is too much, hafiz look soo much like his dad,from the way he smile, his calm personality and love for books, he could spend the whole day studying Hanan has never seen a a child uninterested in toys and playing like her son, he could read till daybreak sometimes she has to force him to sleep just the way she did now.

"Mummy."the little boy say touching his mum teary face cleaning it with his small hand.

"I am sorry if i always remind you of dad."hafiz blurt and hanan chuckle.

"I love you my boy, now sleep tomorrow is your big day, happy birthday to you."she say.

"Thanks mum can i telll you what i want for my birthday, promise me you will give me."the boy say and hanan humm in response.

When we go to see granny tomorrow you will take me to our house, I mean you and dad house."Hanan sigh ever since hafiz die she never go back to there marital house the only reason she go to nasarawa is to celebrate her son birthday with her late husband family it's the least she can do to them so they will remember there son.

"What do you want to do there hafiz."Hanan ask she really don't want to set her foot into that house it will just bring back all the painful memories.

"You promised mum, what i want to do there doesn't matter."he say and his mum nod.

"Fine, we are going there.
Happy now."Hanan say and the boy laugh.

"Exhilarating."he say.

The two lay in comfortable silience and both drift into there dream land.


"Baby when is amany shift ending her children are making me go nut, did you see my kitchen?"jasra yell at her husband who is coming down from the staircase.

"It's like she's on double shift today or something i am not sure, what did they do again."he ask just in time 2years bassam come out of the kitchen with whatever stain all over his face.

"What in the world is going on in that kitchen."raheem ask making his wife to turn to see the boy smiling innocently.

The two rush to the kitchen to see the fridge wide open as 6years old nadra stand on top of the kitchen stool removing all sort of things out of the fridge as she give it to her 3year old sister fadila.

"Now what in the living hell are you doing?"jasra snap and the girl turn frighten making her to loss her balance and raheem catch her before she fall.

"What are you doing?
Look at my kitchen is all dirty."jasra say with a pout and the children start laughing as she chase them out of the kitchen and they begin to race around the house.

"Hello ma."the security man say and they all stop what they are doing to face him.

How are you?"raheem ask the young man as he sit on the couch.

"Fine sir.
Someone is at the gate he want to see you."he say and raheem look at his wife because he wasn't expecting any visitor.

Tell him to come in, it is one of my client she said her son is coming to pick  her stuffs."jasra say and the security guy leave the parlour.

"Seriously Amany will have to find a daycare or wherever she will drop her kids after school, I can't be old before my time."jasra say and raheem laugh.

"You are already old my dear you have 3grand children and the 4th one is on the way."raheem say just in time the parlour door open and they all look over.

Standing by the door the young looking guy remove his shade with a smile on his face making jasra jaw to drop.

"Hafiz!"jasra yell looking at her son as he walk inside the parlour, she didn't think twice before embracing him into a hug as he smile.

Raheem look at his wife and son with a smile on his face, he know his son will be back he never loss hope.

"Dad."hafiz say kneeling beside his dad as his dad slap him on the face.

"Raheem."jasra yell at her husband as hafiz smile and hug his dad.

He really miss his family,leaving home was the worst mistake of his entire life.

"That slap is for making my wife cry everyday because of you."raheem say once they break the hug.

"Ohhh please let me hug you again my baby, I miss your selfish self."jasrah say as hafiz hug his mum smiling.

He completely forget how dramatic his mum can be, he miss his crazy family soo much all this years they were always on his mind.

Hafiz stand up and turn to see the small kids Standing by the couch looking at him weirdly and he raise his brow at them making 2years old bassam to wink at him, he wonder if his parent gave birth or adopted some kids.

"Who's kid are this?"hafiz ask looking at them.

"Amany Ofcrse,come on kids say hi to uncle hafiz he is your mum elder brother."jasra say and the kids laugh.

"Amany has all this kids?"hafiz say baffle looking at the children.

"Ofcrse its been 8years since you left she can't be single forever."jasra say making hafiz to laugh.

Hafiz hug the small children with a smile on his face he can't believe his sister have all this kids, he kiss each of them making them to laugh as the parlour door open and fazil walk in.

"Daddy!"the children yell and run to him as he pick each of them placing a kiss on there cheek.

Hafiz watch in amusement, he can't believe fazil marry his sister alot has happened since he left he wonder how many more surprises he will see.

"Hafiz."fazil say looking at his brother and hafiz smile.

The two share a hug and the more hafiz look at fazil the more he want to ask him about hanan but he try not to seem so desperate.

Afflictive desires (Hanan & Hafiz Love story)✔Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя