💘twenty 1💘

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Sitting at the hospital reception i send the sms to the contact i stole from ya hafiz phone,

I am hanan hafiz wife i will like to discuss something very important with you kindly text me back when you receive my sms.

"Hanan!"the familiar voice say and i hide my phone.

"Good evening mummy."I say standing up as she hug me slightly.

"How are you.
Why did you sit here all alone?
Are you alright?"she ask worriedly and i smile.

"Ya hafiz is asleep that's why, just want to relax a little here."I say and she nod as we sit together.

"Amany and your uncle will be coming later."she say and i nod.

"Mummy and daddy are also coming back today."I say and she squeal.

"Sobibi don't even bother to tell me."she say and continue talking about my mum.

Are you alright?
You seem pretty off."she ask looking at me and i sigh.

"Mummy please can you promise me not to be mad and.......just promise you won't say no."I say and she look at with a nod.

"Anything for you hanan."she say and i breathe out a heavy breathe.

"I want ya hafiz to marry Nadia."I say and she look at me baffle.

"Really hanan.
So hafiz has finally brainwashed and manipulate you, that is not going to happen not when i am alive,
Infact i am going in there to know what the actual hell is going on."she say standing up and i hold her by the hand.

"Please sit."I say in a whisper
People are watching."I add and she sit.

What is wrong with you do you have any idea what you are saying, hafiz is not marrying nadia not only nadia hafiz is not marrying a second wife, you are his only wife and if he thinks you're not enough then he should go to hell."she say and I sigh.

"You dont get it mummy.
Ya hafiz is depressed i can see it in his eyes and now he is doing drugs, he is taking all sort of sedative, remelteon,benzodiazepines even codeine and morphine,I don't want to be the genesis of him going through all this, beside I don't see anything wrong in him marrying a second wife is halal islamically and don't bother about my parent i know how to handle them please."I say and she chuckle.

It doesn't matter wether you talk to your parents or not hafiz is not marrying anybody and him taking drugs that's his own shit to deal with when he run mad and start gallivanting around the street without clothes on that's when he will know how dangerous it is, he know what he is doing, hafiz is a very smart person and i will deal with him."Anty jasrah say tapping her foot impatiently on the floor.

"You are not going to talk to him mummy, please."I say and she sigh.

"I won't promise you that hanan."she say and leave the hospital.

The evening passed by and the night creep in without anybody visiting ya hafiz i blame myself for talking to Anty jasrah, I just lie to ya hafiz that they are caught up with some work.

Afflictive desires (Hanan & Hafiz Love story)✔Where stories live. Discover now