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Because it's raining☁☔☔and I am jobless so i typed again. Enjoy and don't forget to comment.


The next few days pass by in a hazy with unnecessary scene created by nadia. Today i wake up to a very throbbing headache and moody,
I stare at the morning sky from my bedroom window with a sigh, I rummage through my bed and pick my phone.
8:45am Anty jasra will soon be down, i will just make her breakfast, nadia will help with ya hafiz because seriously my head ache very badly, I sluggishly leave my room and head downstairs but stop.

"Mummy i did as you requested he was super excited like he can't wait to tell them this morning i am really tired of his mum, i hate that lady and her guts."nadia voice echo around the house and i shake my head.

That girl is something else wonder why she will have such conversation downstairs what if anty jasrah hears her.

I walk pass her in the parlour drinking her regular orange juice and i head to the kitchen.

I will just fry some chips and chicken sauce for Anty jasrah she really like eating it for breakfast, I sigh and sit on the kitchen stool holding my head.

After few minutes i am done and i arrange everything on the tray, I will just take Anty jasrah food to her room and come back to eat mine.

I knock on the bedroom door but no answer so i open it the sound of the water from the bathroom let me know she's in there so i drop the food on the table and arrange the bed before leaving the room,
I head downstairs to pick my food i will just eat and take some medicine.

I glance on the dinning to see nadia eating, i look closely to see her eating my food.

"Why are you eating is it yours?"I ask in annoyance but she just ignore me.

"I am talking to you or are you deaf?"I ask but she just keep on munching on my chips.

"Maybe is your mum that's deaf but "nadia zayn" is not deaf."She say and i look at her baffle.

"Don't you ever say anything about my mum."I warned and she chuckle.

"Or what will you do?
Your stupid whore of a mum that snatch my mum husband."She say and i close my eyes.

"Don't you ever mention my mum name in our conversation nadia."I warned and she laugh.

"Your mum.....

I didn't let her finish i pick the plate of the food and throw it on her face making the steel plate to fall with a sound on the floor.

"What the fucking hell is going on here?"ya hafiz say running to nadia who is cleaning the chicken sauce on her face.

I hiss and walk out of the dinning how dare she speak about my mum in such manner.

"Hanan i am talking to you.
Why did you do what you just did?"he ask following me to the kitchen holding nadia by the hand.

"Ask her.
Isn't she the one you are holding or is she deaf?"I retort in annoyance as i open the fridge but he slam the door to the fridge close.

"Don't ask me questions.
Why did you throw the food on her face?"he yell and i sigh.

"I was eating baby and she just throw the food on me."nadia say in between fake sob and i roll my eyes.

"Did you make the food, I cooked and she eat it is she inept that she can't go into the kitchen and prepare something for herself, she has the guts to speak rubbish about my mum, I can tolerate all sort of trash but anything about my family should never come out of that your stinky mouth."I say angrily and walk pass them but ya hafiz was quick to drag me by the hand and push me colliding my back with the fridge.

Afflictive desires (Hanan & Hafiz Love story)✔Where stories live. Discover now