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Days creep to weeks and weeks creep to month its been exactly one month since i move to the small city of Lafia to stay with my grandmum not because i want to but because my parents think it's for the best, my dad bought me a new phone and insert a new SIM card,
i don't know but a little part of me really miss home do my grandmother is fun to live with, we spend the weekdays in her daycare and during the weekend we are usually indoor only when Aisha comes over and take me out, well aisha according to my mum her dad and my mum used to be very close friends her dad own a very big gas station in the state it's called"maina & sons".

Today I wake up to a very throbbing and excruciating headache so I am still in bed don't actually think i can follow my grandma to her daycare do it's Friday she usually stay for two hours most.

You are still in bed are you not going to the daycare today?"my grandmother ask opening the room curtain as the morning sunshine penetrate into the room making me to close my eyes.

"I am kinda having a very bad headache wlh, i will just stay home today."I say and she sit next to me on the bed touching my body.

Get this straight my grandmother is a nurse when i say nurse i mean nurse by experienced and certificate not like my mum😊, my mum is a nurse by certificate do i will blame my possessive dad for making her lazy.

"You are burning,
Let me get some pain relief for you."she leave the room and I sigh.

My grandma says this room used to be my mum's room but it' looks really plain, I thought my mum's room will be all pink and girly but pssst i am wrong.

"You will eat and then take your medication right."she say dropping the plate on my bed.

"Grandma i will eat by myself ooh please it's just headache not cancer."I say and she laugh.

"Come on sit you are just like your mum, always whinningvwhen you are sick."she say i sit upright supporting my back with a pillow.

She open the plate and the aroma of the egg sauce hit my nose making me to grimace as a queasy feeling rise in the pit of my stomach making me to vomit all over the bed.

"Sorry my dear."My grandmother say patting me on thé back as i vomited out nothing in particular just a pile of saliva and stuff i ate yesterday night.

She rinse my mouth with some water ,remove the bedsheets and leave the room with the plate of food.

I lay on the bed with a sigh,
What thé hell is wrong with me yesterday night before i went to bed i kinda vomit but i thought its thé peanut i ate and now my favourite egg sauce aroma makes me purk.

"How are you feeling?"my grandma ask touching my forehead.

"I am ok,
I'm just tired and this painful headache."she sigh looking at me worriedly.

"When last did you see your period?"she ask making me to roll my eyes.

"Oohhh please grandma dont go there, i saw my period last month and this month its definitely on thé way."i say and she smile.

"You know,
You and your mum have soo much in common."she say playing with my hair and i humm in response.

" Now you will go in there, urinate inside this and bring it to me, hurry i am getting late."she say and i sigh.

I grumble and snatch thé container from her making her to chuckle, i enter thé bathroom and urinate into thé small container, i wash my hand and come out of the bathroom.

"I am not prégnant though you are just wasting your energy."I grumble  handing thé container to her, i lay on thé bed with a sigh.

Prégnant, ohhh please that assault  with ya hafiz can never be what will produce a child,my mind drift to him and i sigh, i dont actually know wether i miss him or not he is probably enjoying with nadia celebrating there little victory of chasing me out of there house.

"Hanan."my grandma called snapping me out of my thought and i humm in response.
"Hanan, you are prégnant."she say making me sit upright.

I am prégnant but how?"i ask confuse and she chuckle.

"What do you mean by how?
"Yau ga yar rainin hankali"she say and i smile akwardly.

"But...ohh God."I say with a sigh.

"Come on you are not too young stop over thinking, nobody will tell hafiz if that's what you are thinking."she say happily and i nod speechless.

She leave thé room saying alll sort of proverb about being a greatgrand mother.

With ya hafiz child i smile and clean thé tears from my eyes, why is fate soo mean why?
I wishe we were still together maybe he could have been happy and he will treat me nicely but alas Now is too late, too late to put everything behind i thouch thé scar on my face and shake my head how could a human being did something like this nadia is indeed a very wicked person.

Let me come and be going before all thé hananians finish me with there comments🏃🏃🏃

So las, las hanan get hafiz pikin soo there is hope she will forgive us
#hafizgeng 😅.

Still celebrating thé independence Nigeria @ 60

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