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I wake up to a constant vibrating of my phone, i stretch my hand and pick it from thé bedside and press it to my ear.

"Dude you Have to come to thé office your dad is extremely furious he is yelling and snapping at everyone in thé office for letting you take a long holiday in thé middle of the year."fazil voice ring in my ear and thé call end.

I sit upright and massage my forehead,i open thé drawer and remove thé container poping thé pills into my hands i swallow them not bothering to drink water, honestly speaking everything in my life is just staggering and wobbling around ever since nadia break up with me i found myself back into this addiction cycle and it's killing me because i know once my parents find out about it i am dead but I can't help it, nobody will understand what i am going through.

I stand up but a wave of drowsiness hit me and i fall face flat on the bed,
My eyes are close yet i could feel a wave of dizziness as if the whole room is going in spherical motion, my heartbeat began to slow and everything began to hurt making me to scream closing my ears with my hands as the darkness engulf me.

I don't know if it's the beeping of my alarm that wake me or the excruciating pain in my chest, I try opening my eyes but everything seems blurry with much effort I try again and i can see clear, I feel something on my hand and i look to see hanan sitting on the chair as she support her head on the edge of the bed with her hands in mine, I scan the hospital room with a sigh.

"You 're awake!"the familiar voice say but I don't bother to look up to know who they belong to.

"Hafiz bakajin magana.
You're soo lucky your wife brought you here but you still have explanation to do, I warned you several times leave those drugs I thought we've passed through that already but you still go back to them, do you have any idea what would have happen to you if not your wife rush you here, I am warning you for the last time maybe the 2years you spend in rehab isn't enough for you the next time something like this happened wlh I will tell your parent beside they are already suspecious, you know how curious your mum is."he say removing the stupid wires on my body.

"Thank you."I say looking at him and he shake his head.

"Kadaina babu kyau.
I know you 're going through rough phase but there is nothing a prayer won't heal, you should move on and forget about that British girl, hanan is a nice girl you should give her a chance because she really care about you, she has been sitting here since yesterday she couldn't eat she have to lie to your parent to safe your stupid self."he say and I roll my eyes.

"Where is my mum?"I ask and he chuckle.

"They just left i will call them to let them know you're awake, I pity you wlh."he say laughing and leave the hospital room.

I sigh and stare at the small figure on the chair, she look exhausted and uncomfortable i try removing my hand from hers and she tighten her grip I try again making her eyes snap open.

"Sorry, my hand is hurting me."I say and she smile.

"How are you feeling?"she ask worriedly.

"Ok i guess."I say and we both sit in silience.

Sometimes i wishe i can be nice to her but anytime i remember she's the reason i am not with nadia i feel like strangling and beating the shit out of her.

"Ya hafiz.
I know you don't love me but please don't kill yourself if this has to do with your girlfriend then I can talk to your mum so you can marry her i don't mind if you love her most, in as much you will still be with me i believe with time you will learn to love me, I don't want to loose you because of my selfish self I shouldn't have forced you to marry me."she say staring at me as her eyes become glassy and the tears roll down her cheek.

I stare at her in amusement this girl sure is crazy but honestly speaking i don't mind if she can convince my mum i know my parent will listen to her but what about her family uncle Amir will probably kill me that man is kinda overprotective when it comes to his daughter.

"No it's ok hanan.
Sometimes we don't get what we always want, maybe me and nadia are not destined for each other, I wishe i can love you but anytime i try nadia is the one on my mind, you mean alot to my parent and i won't let there dream shattered because of my love for nadia."I say and she sniff.

"You will marry nadia i promise you."she say staring at me.

"No please hanan nadia is my past,
Don't do anything that will make our family fall apart please i can sacrifice my love for nadia my family mean the world to me."I say and she smile.

"Your happiness mean the world to me,
I love you and i will do anything to make sure you're happy."she say and quietly walk out of the room.

I mentally laugh and chuckle before closing my eyes, a little nap with do me good before my loud family arrive, hopefully this stupid girl emotionall self doesn't get me into trouble.

Hafiz you are a very manipulative idiot i hope your parent will not listen to hanan.

Ohh my hanan love is making you go nut.

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Afflictive desires (Hanan & Hafiz Love story)✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant