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"I think you both should just forget about each other, you know your mum very well and I am pretty sure you know the consequences of what you're doing."fazil say and i sigh.

"You think is easy to just forget someone you love for 8years?
Come on fazil it's just not ok how my mum wants me to pay for the mistake of Nadia mum, I love Nadia and I don't think i will ever love any lady."I say and fazil shrug.

"Fine then,
But your wedding is in 2weeks time and it's better if you two stop seeing each other."he say and I look at him baffle.

"Oh really!
Now you want to advice me because is your sister i am marrying, you cant tell me what to do fazil, i dont love your sister and just because i put on a stupid silly act pretending i love her doesn't mean i want to be with her, if i have any feelings toward your sister its hate because she is thé reason i am not marrying thé girl of my dream, you cant sit here and start telling me rubbish when you ré not thé one been forced into an arranged marriage."I say in annoyance as i rummage through my office drawer.

"Ok then.
Fine you can go ahead and do whatever you want to do, both you and hanan mean alot to me, i am just doing my job as an elder brother, à bestfriend and a family but if you think what you ré doing is right then go ahead and continue with your little clandestine rendezvous with nadia at thé end you will regret it because you two relationship is forbidden."he say and leave thé office slamming the door shut.

Nobody can understand what i am going true, to pretend and fake smile just to please a stupid girl that thinks she is in love with me is thé worst punishment ever, i dont know what i did wrong to deserve this type of punishment.

I pack my stuff and head to my car.

Halting at thé familiar spot there she is thé love of my life sitting by thé lake, nadia is thé définition of beauty, she has this bright blue eyes like her dads that always remind me of thé sky, her bronze skin always glooming, and she is average height just thé way i want my woman to be.

"Hey baby."I say sitting next to her and she  smile.

"How are you doing."she ask putting her head on my shoulder as she entwine our fingers.

"I'm not ok nady, my wedding is in two weeks time and seriously i am sick of lieing and pretending to everyone that i love that girl, she annoyed thé shit out of me, never encounter a weird person my whole life."I say in annoyance and nadia smile.

"I love you hafiz, anytime i remember what we ré going through i feel devastated, my mum is leaving tomorrow but i cant leave at least not now knowing you'ré going through a very difficult phase of life, i dont care if you you will not marry me hafiz i will still be with you, i am ready to be thé other woman in your life in as much we will be together."she say as she flick away thé tears off her face and i frown.

"You wont be thé other woman in my life nady, you will be thé only woman in my life, my love. We will be together i promise you maybe not now but believe me we will be together ."I say and we both keep quiet.

Embracing thé quiet sorrounding, my mind drift to my mum, i wishe she would just listen and let me be with thé woman i love, its such a though pill to swallow knowing i have to pretend for two more weeks just to marry that weird girl, my nadia is thé perfect woman for me and i am going to marry her maybe not now but we will definitely be together our 8years relationship can never be in vein.

Lets get going thé sun is setting."nadia say snapping me out of my haze.

We both walk out of the solitary lake and head to our cars as we both nostalgically reminisce about our happy olé days and laugh happily,

"Okay baby, i will call you later."she say and slip into her car, we bid our goodbyes and she drive out of the resort.

I stir my car key in my fingers and walk happily to my car as thé familiar voice make me turn around.

"What are you doing here."my mum ask looking at me curiously and i smile.

Just had a business meeting with a client."I say with a shrug and she glare at me.

"Hafiz i know when you'ré lieing and why do you look soo happy?"she ask looking at me suspeciously.

"Mum am happy because thé meeting went well with thé client come on mum stop been curious.
What are you doing here anyway?"I say holding her hand and she smile.

"Well i'm here to check on thé placé heard it's à perfect place for pré wed pictures."my mum say and i frown.

"Pré-wed pictures ?"i say confuse and she nod.

Tomorrow is your pré wed photoshoot wanted to surprise you si i gat everything covered,clothes,photographer and everything."she say happily and i fake smile.

"But mum i am travelling tomorrow,
I dont want it to seem as if i dont want us to have a pré wed pictures but remember i told you i will be travelling tomorrow to mexico."I lie and she look at me confuse.

No hafiz you never mention any trip like that, dont start with your drama."she say and i sigh.

"Ok fine.
I will cancel thé trip is that ok with you."I ask and she smile.

That's more like my boy, now come on lets go visit your fiancee."she say and i mentally roll my eyes.

"No, i am actually heading back to thé office to pack my stuffs but i will drive by to check on her."I say and my mum smile.

See you my love."she say and head to her car making me to sigh in relief.

Such a dramatic, curious mum i gat.
A pré wed photo-shoot.
not with hafiz anyway, can't actually start posing and snap pictures with a girl i don't want to marry it will be an insult to my inner dignity and a slap on nadia self.

Hafiz, such a cunning boy guess your mum is right about you.

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Afflictive desires (Hanan & Hafiz Love story)✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن