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Thé days seems to drag by slowly, i am too eager for this week to pass so by next week i will be with my love,
It takes alot of lies and convincing to vanquish my mum curiousity and make her believe hanan did choose London for thé Honeymoon,

I Have to threaten thé little girl i called a so called wife to do anything to convince her, honestly speaking that girl is weird, everything about her disgust me from thé way she dress, thé way she speak she is just a complété idiot in my opinion.

I am very hungry and i dont think mum will send us any food today since she called earlier today to let me know she is travelling, i will make noodles for myself and later i will buy something to eat.

I come out of the room and head downstairs scrolling through my phone emails.

"Good afternoon ya hafiz."Thé familiar voice say, i ignore her on thé dinning table and head to thé kitchen.

I can sensé her faint footstep behind me and i turn.

"What do you want?"i ask in annoyance.

"I cooked for you wanted to called you but you ask me not to enter your room again and you didn't pick my calls."she say staring at me and i put my phone inside my joogers Pocket.

"Then dont cook for me again, look anything that will make you speak to me don't do it, i hâte you and seeing this your disgusting face will rather makes me loose my appetite."I say and leave thé kitchen.

"Ya hafiz."she yell and i turn from thé staircase.

Ke stop calling my name anyhow i am not your mate."I say pointing my finger at her.

Please my inhaler and drugs has finished i send thé brand i am using to your email buy them for me."she say pleadingly and i glare at her before heading to my room.

Which kinda burden is this?
An ugly wife, short wife,weird wife and now unhealthy, who knows maybe she is mentally unstable.

I pick my car key and leave thé room.


Halting my car in thé garage i sigh and facepalm, i am so tired ended up gallivanting around thé town.

I pick thé stuffs i bought and come out of the car,
Looking at thé familiar wrangler jeep  my heartbeat begin to accelerate in tension, i walk to thé door and push it open.

"Sallamu'alaikum."I say entering thé parlour with a giant smile on my face.

"Walaika salam."they say in unison.

"Good evening mummy
Goodevening daddy."I say to both of them and they smile at making me to mentally sigh in relief.

"How are doing hafiz."My mother inlaw ask and i nod with a smile.

"Alhamdulilah."I say .

"How is thé break."her dad ask and i smile.

"Fine , we've been indoors actually i just go out to buy something for hanan."I lie and her dad smile.

Take care of my princess she love eating cookies and make sure she doesn't sleep in cold, let thé room be naturally air whenever she is going to sleep."her dad say and i nod in understanding.

Welcome back."she say looking at me and i smile.

"Thanks sweet.
I bought thé stuffs for you."I say smiling and i hand her thé shopping bag.

"Ok .
Hafiz we will get going we just want to say goodbye to you two for your honeymoon because we'ré going to veneto to see your grand dad."uncle Amir say and i nod.

"Hope everything is alright with him?"i ask with a smile as they both stand up and he hold his wife hand.

"He is Fine.
My wife miss her dad she want to spend some time with him."he say as we both walk out of the house premises him holding his wife hand as i hold hanan by thé waist.

"We'ré leaving tomorrow and please dont bother to say you will see us off,
You two should enjoy yourself and rest, may Allah bless thé two of you."her mum say and we both say ameen in unison.

"Take care of My princess hafiz make sure she takes her medication and she is always with her inhaler."her dad add and i nod with a smile.

They both climb the car him in thé driver seat and she in thé passenger seat, we bid them goodbye and they drive out of the house.

I sigh in relief and i remove my hand from this annoying being and head inside thé house straight to my room, i remove my shirt and remember thé  stuffs i bought and open thé my bedroom door just in time she is entering her room with my fucking shopping bag. I snatch it from her hand and she look at me confuse.

"I thoug....

"Did you send me anywhere or did i look like someone that will buy you something,stupid girl."I say angrily glaring at her in disgust.

"What about my medicine?
Why are you doing this to me?
Why are you always pretending like we'ré a couple and then you change suddenly.
I love you ya hafiz, you'ré hurting me and you ré doing it on purpose."she say sobbing and enter her bedroom closing thé door shut.

I snort and enter my bedroom.
Love me.
seriously i dont care she ruin my life completely, i was supposed to marry my nadia and it will be thé happy ending of our 8years love but she just came into thé picture and shattared my dreams, evil wicked witche.

I open my laptop maybe a little facetime with my love will lighten up my mood.

Ooohhh hanan sorry do you say you will be with him wether he love you or not, thats what happen to someone that marry another person that is madly in love with someone else.

So what do you all think?
Will hafiz let go nadia and be with hanan?
Will Hanan give up on hafiz love?
Will hafiz and hanan ever Have a happy marriage life?

For all this answers Add Afflictive desires to your reading list and join me in this amazing love triangle between nadia, Hanan and hafiz.

Afflictive desires (Hanan & Hafiz Love story)✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon