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Walking into thé parlour hafiz look at hanan and he knows something isn't right from thé way her eyes is all swollen he is 100% sure she cried,

"Good afternoon, ma,sir."hafiz say looking at them everyone who look at them will know they are thé one that give birth to the beautiful soul he love,

So you are thé hafiz that is dating My daughter despite knowing she is married and prégnant."soby snap and her husband look at her surprisingly his wife always maintain her cool and handle every situation good.

Hafiz look at thé elderly version of the girl he love in bewilderment, he look at hanan who is staring at thé floor probably embarrass by what her mum just did and he smile weakly.

"Please have a sit,
My apologys about my wife behaviour."Amir say looking at thé young boy who just smile and nod taking his sit on thé floor beside his mother inlaw.

"My daughter told us alot about you,
I will let you know i am not a fan of your dad but since my daughter want to be with you i will definitely support her decision."Amir say looking at thé boy he remind him of his encounter with his dad 29years ago.

Thé boy has à really charming personality just like his dad maybe that's what attracted his daughter to him in thé first place, Amir don't understand how and why a man will be smiling anyhow it doesn't make any sensé to him but his daughter love him and that's all that matters to him.

"Why do you love my daughter?"Amir ask and hafiz look at him surprisingly.

"It doesn't matter why he love her because hanan is leaving with us she is going back to her husband where she belong to."soby snap and hanan look at her mother.

"Mummy p.......

"Hanan are you mad i understand that you are in love but we all have to make sacrifices, hafiz sacrifices his love for nadia and be with you, you will do same to him."soby say she wishe she can let her daughter be with the man she love, it was never her intension to hurt maina's son but jasra is her bestfriend she will do anything to make sure hanan is back to her husband house.

"You can't force hanan sabreen i am warning you for the last time, my daughter will be with whoever she wants."Amir yell at his wife who roll her eyes.

"Hanan is going back to her husband house hafiz never meant for all that to happen, mistakes happened and when someone own up to it and apologize he deserve to be happy, hafiz deserve happiness."soby say.

"Ohh really,
Mistake you called that a mistake what would have happened that day if we didn't go to that house his wife could have killed my daughter,if hafiz deserve happiness likewise hanan so i think it's only fair if hanan choose who she want to be with."Amir retort to his wife in annoyance.

"This is not fair ya Amir, hafiz is in the hospital and you are here talking shit that i don't understand."soby grumble and Amir sigh coiling his fingers into a fist.

"You are pissing me off sabreen,
I don't want to hear your voice here."Amir snap in his authoritative voice and as stubborn as soby is she knows when to keep her mouth shut when her husband is angry, so like the good wife she is, she pout, frown and sit frustrated listening to her husband final decision.

"Hanan do you want to be with your husband or hafiz?"Amir ask his daughter and hanan look up to see her mum worried face glittering with hope.

"Stop looking at your mum."Amir snap and hanan sigh turning her gaze to the floor.

"This is not f.........her mum try sayingg but Amir give his wife a warning glare and she keep quiet.

Hafiz look at hanan worriedly he never thought this day will come soo soon, A day hanan will have to make this tough decision from all indications hafiz knows hanan mum want her daughter back to her husband house, hafiz wishe hanan mum will understand just how much her daughter mean to him, he couldn't live without hanan he is soo addicted to her, if by any chance hanan choose her husband hafiz know he won't see the next few minutes he is sure he will die.

"I want to be with hafiz."hanan say in a whisper and hafiz sigh in relief.

Soby pick her handbag and walk out of the parlour feeling betrayed, how could her daughter choose him over her own husband she is pregnant the least she could do was to give there child a happy parenting life.

"Soby."her mum called and she turn to face her mum as she break into sob.

"Mummy hanan is making a wrong decision, she is too young to understand the consequences of growing with separate parents, mummy i betrayed our friendship with jasrah, her only son is in the hospital because of my daughter and my daughter choose someone else over her own husband."soby say crying into her mother's chest.

Amir stare at his only daughter as he hug her to his chest he know his decision will hurt his wife but this is about his daughter happiness, Amir believe hanan husband has misused his chances and it's only fair if hanan marry whoever she want to spend her life with.

Hafiz stare at a crying Hanan on her dad chest with a lot of pain in his eyes he hate seeing her sad,angry or moody, the only thing that bring happiness to his life is seeing hanan happy and seeing her crying right now hafiz feels like breaking down into sob, he try his possible best to control his emotions he really don't want to embarrass himself by crying in hanan father and elder brother presence but the more he stare at her the difficult it become for him to handle his emotions, Hafiz feels like his entire body is in a flame of fire.

"Hanan please stop crying you are hurting me."hafiz say in a trembling voice and Amir look at him perplex.

Fazil Stare at his sister he wishe her husband show her the love she always wanted, fazil look at hafiz and hanan they remind him of a beautiful sad lovestory as bad as he want hanan to be with her husband he also want her to be happy and seeing the way hafiz stare at his sister fazil knows that indeed his sister have find her one true love.

Ok hananians are you all happy she choose him, it's not fair she is selfish her husband is in the hospital the least she could do is to go see him.😔

Amir you are very annoying this days wlh😔

I can't handle this my poor hafiz the almighty is your strength❤.

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