You apologize to him

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You frowned as Justin ignored you for the millionth time that night.

He's mad because you chose your hair appointment over the picnic date he had planned before telling you.

The only person he could really blame was himself because you really needed to get your hair done.

"Justin its not even that serious. I said I'm sorry." You wined as he went up to the bedroom.

"It serious to me." He muttered.

You held a dull expression. "You don't have to be like this." You said following him.

Still no response. "Baby I said I'm sorry."

"......" You rolled your eyes.

"Justin, what will it take?" You asked. He still ignored you.

"Leave me alone, y/n" he said rolling his eyes.

"Boy if you don-" you sighed. Don't lose it, y/n

"You can't ignore me forever" you said, hot in his tail.

As you two entered the bedroom, Justin got a blanket and pillow.

"Are you freaking kidding me?" You asked.

"Goodnight" he said leaving the room with his items. He didn't even turn back.

"Fine. I don't need you!" You yelled slamming the door.

You sighed as your body hit the bed. You missed Justin already.

"You're such a baby!" You yelled out. I said I was sorry...

He just doesn't understand the hair world.

You frowned as you got comfortable on the bed. The bed smelled just like justin. You didn't know why it smelled mostly like him since you two share it.

He probably sprays his cologne all over it in the morning. Yup, that's what he does. Sounds like something Justin would do, to be honest.

You rolled your eyes at the thought of Justin. He's such a freaking baby. But he's your baby..


It was about 3am and you still couldn't sleep. You missed Justin's body laying right next to yours. You also missed him wrapping a protective arm around you.

You got up and went to the guest room down the hall. You knew Justin was there. Even though he was mad at you, he couldn't stay that far away.

"Justin.." You said knocking on the door. He didn't respond so you twisted the doorknob. It was unlocked.

You switched on the lights And saw Justins body laying on the bed as he was engulfed by the fur covers.

"Baby.." You said joining him on the bed.

"I miss you.." You said hugging his body.

You rubbed his bare back up and down as you felt him relax. You smiled. Justin knew you were here. You knew that justin also loved it when you touched him.

He's just weird like that.

"Justin.." You said kissing his cheek. "Baby I'm sorry. I should have just left my hair a hot mess and come to the picnic with you." You said rubbing your hand in his tattooed arm.

Still no response. "Oh come on, that should have gotten some kind of laugh out of you." You said to him.

Fine then.

"Justin I said I'm sorry." You said and started to kiss along his jawline.

You saw him smirk.

Justin is such a dirty boy.

"Baby.." You rubbed your hand down his chest and outlined his six pack.

He also bit his lip.

So this is what I have to do for him to forgive me?

"Justin what do I have to do? I said I was sorry.." You said seductively in his ear as your hand traveled lower and lower.

Justin took your hand and put it over his crotch. You yanked your hand back quickly.

"You are so nasty!!!!" You yelled hitting his chest. Justin laughed uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry, baby. " he laughed sitting up and hugging you.

"You're just-oh my gosh." You said shaking your head.

"That was so funny. But now I'm really turned on.." Justin said staring at you up and down.

"Well that's unfortunate." You said crossing your arms. "So do you forgive me or not?" You huffed.

"On one condition." Justin said putting on his thinking cap.

"What?" You asked sighing.

"You take care of my problem." He said pointing to his erection.

You covered your mouth and laughed. "Of course not." You said. He truly is nasty.

"Fine then. No forgiveness." He said innocently.

You rolled your eyes and got up from the bed. He was being so annoying. "Hey, hey. I'm just playing." Justin said pulling back your arm.

"I was just playing. I was just being a big baby too. I forgive you baby." He said kissing your lips.


So I hope this one makes up for my absences and short imagines lol I really hope you enjoyed! Dont forget to vote!

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