He's nervous to meet your parents

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He's nervous to meet your parents.

Justin: Today was the day you were going to take Justin to meet your parents. You were really happy because yo felt confident that you and Justin were perfect for each other and he was good enough to take home.

You haven't seen Justin since you told him the news and you decided to go upstairs to check on him.

"Justin.." You asked knocking on the room door.

"Oh, baby, you can come in." He spoke hoarsely.

"Baby, what's wrong. I haven't seen you in a while." You asked him sitting on the bed and cupping his cheek.

He was laying on the bed looking upset.

"Nothing.." He said shrugging his shoulders. you rolled your eyes.

"Justin, what's wrong with you?" You asked once again. Your baby was upset and that pained you.

Justin sighed and sat up. "Y/N, am I good enough for you?" He asked looking at you.

You raised your eyebrows in shock. "Of course baby, you're just perfect." You said rubbing your hands up and down his back.

"You're just saying that." He said.

I sighed. "Justin, what is this about?" You asked wanting to get to the point.




"Justin." You said smacking him upside the head. you could be abusive sometimes.

"Okay, okay. I'm worried your folks won't like me." He said looking down.

"Awww baby. I'm sure they will like you. if I like you, they'll like you, baby. Please don't stress yourself on this. And why wouldn't they like you?'' you asked confused.

He sighed. "Because we're different..and I'm not black enough-" He said blushing.

You started chuckling. "Justin shut up. there's no such thing as being 'black enough'." You said hugging his arm while still laughing.

"Baby.." Justin said still not sure enough. "Justin, my parents know enough about you already. They don't care how 'black' you are. they just want me to have someone who loves me and cares about me. Do you love me, Justin?" I asked kissing his cheek.

"Yes." He said adoringly.

"Then shut up."

I hope you guys liked this cuz I did. I thought this would be very sweet to make. I'm also taking requests!!!

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