He tries to make you Jealous

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You and your boyfriend, Justin were at a fancy French resturaunt. You didn't want to go at first because you didn't feel like dressing up but Justin said he missed going out with you.

"Thanks for coming, babe." Justin said winking at you. "Yeah, Yeah." You said smiling back.

Justin playfully rolled his eyes. "You look beautiful by the way." He said eyeing you up and down.

"Thank you."

A few minutes later, a waitress comes to hand us our menues. She had long straight black hair, tan skin and brown eyes. she was very beautiful and looked like a Latina.

You started to feel a bit insecure because you've known Justin's history with being infatuated with These type of girls. but since you knew that Justin loved you, you felt like you didn't have to worry about a thing.

However, all hopes came crashing down when you saw that Justin couldn't keep his eyes off of the Waitress.

"I'll have [Insert fancy food here]" You said trying to pull off a smile. you were not Jealous of the pretty waitress, you were just pissed as hell at your boyfriend who you thought he wouldnt look at another girl.

Justin said his order and the waitress collected our menus and turned around to leave. What Justin did next set off fumes. As the waitress was walking away, he litteraly stared at her ass.

You just crossed your arms and bobbed your head with a smirk on your lips. You did that when you were trying to restrict yourself from doing anything you'd regret.

"Baby, what's up?" Justin asked finally acknowledging your presence. "Nothing at all." You responded looking out the window.

A moment later the same waitress comes with our food. When she set the food down, Justin gazed at her chest.

When the waitresses left and you still saw Justin gawking at her, you broke down and started feeling tears run down your cheeks.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Justin asked getting worried. "Don't fucking act like you care!!" You snapped at him.

"Babygirl-" Justin reached out to touch you.

"Stop it! don't call me that. I saw the way you looked at her. you said you'd never look at another girl the way you looked at me. you're just a fucking liar, you asshole!!" You grabbed your purse and headed towards the bathroom.

For two years you And Justin have been dating, you really though he was faithful And different but it turns out he still cant ontrol himself And really is an asshole.

You grabbed some tissues And starting wiping your face.

"Y/N......" You heard a familiar voice call and you tensed up. "Stay the fuck away from me." You snapped trying to walk past Justin. "Baby please listen-" Justin pleaded with you.

"I don't have to listen to shit you have to say." You said brushing past him.

"That's my girl." You heard him say.

you turned around And raised an eyebrow at him. "I love you so much baby. I knew this would work." He said smiling at you with love filled in his eyes.

"what are you talking about?" You asked confused. Here you were just crying your eyes out and Justin is talking nonsence.

"I tried making you jealous on purpose to see if you noticed and treasured me as much as I treasure you. and I can see that clearly now." He said pulling your hand to bring you two closer.

You furrowed your eyebrows. "You're such an idiot sometimes, I swear." You said shaking your head.

Justin chuckled. "So are you okay now?" He asked cupping your cheek and drying your tears.

"No. I'm still mad at you. You're not sleeping with me tonight." You smirked leaving the bathroom with Justin defeated.

The fuck he was thinking making me cry like that. But he's so sweet though. you thought.

So I hope you all enjoyed this preference. it literally just came out if nowhere. Im still wondering is I should continue, I'm also open for requests

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