He thinks you're ashamed of him

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Justin closed his eyes and a couple of seconds later, he chuckled. "Y/N, youre ashamed of me."

You sighed and covered your face. You just knew he was going to say that. "Justin, no i am not."

Justin walked up to you, barely leaving space between the both of you. "Dont you lie to me, y/n." He said kind of broken.

"You are, there is no denying it. Baby, look at me." he said prying your hands from your face. You looked up at him, hesitantly. "We've been going out for how long? approximately seven months."

"Justin, i know an-"

"I didnt finish.." He said cutting you off.

You sighed. "These last seven months with you have meant the most to me. Why is it that you havent let me meet your parents? youve met my horrible Father, even though i never wanted you to. But still for some reason, youve been making excuses so i wouldn't meet yours."

"Justin i know this looks bad but.."

"Tell me, y/n. Am i not good for you or something?"

"Justin." You said. Was he really asking you this?

"I know that we have our differences.. hell a lot of them. Youre the good girl, and im the reckless boy thats kind of troubled. But you even told me that these differences meant absolutely nothing to you. So if you love me like you say you do, and care nothing about our differences, then why are you keeping me away from your parents?" He asked you with his voice dropping a few octaves and his eyes locking with yours.

You opened your mouth to speak but nothing came out. You did it again, but not a sound would utter. "Justin im so so very sorry. The truth is I've just been too afraid of what my mom and Dad would think of us being together. Theyre so difficult.."

"I knew it." justin said shaking his head and backing away.

"Justin listen,"

"I've heard enough. Y/n, i am seriously hurt to know that all this time you were thinking about your parents approval rather than us. I think im done wasting my time."


That was the last time you heard from Justin. He hadnt called you, texted you, snuck through your bedroom window, or attempted to communicate with you at school.

You couldn't sleep knowing you broke justins small heart like that.

When you two had first started dating, you two kept nothing from each other. justin trusted you so much that he came out of his shell to actually tell you things that he's never told anyone else before.

Under all that sourness, justin was indeed the most sweetest person you've ever met.

It was killing you that Justin was giving you the cold shoulder and you were gonna do whatever it took to talk to get to him again.

-At school-

The bell rang and students fled out of the classroom to head to lunch.

Justin and you had the same lunch, so you were bound to see him.

Since he's been giving you the silent treatment, he'd merely glance at you.

You saw justin walk out his classroom with his hands in his pockets.

He locked eyes with you before walking past you. that alone made your heart break.

"Justin, stop it." you said beginning to tear up. Your voice also squeaked.

"Stop ignoring me, i cant take it anymore, Justin." you sniffed wiping your face with the back of your hand.

Justin stood completely still with his back facing you. He took in a deep breath.

"Justin, im sorry." you said quietly. "I shouldnt have kept you away from my parents or made up lies and excuses to make sure you didnt meet them. I shouldnt have even been embarrassed or ashamed of you."

Justin looked down.

"I know that you have been going through a lot of things and that youre still continuing to struggle, and i used that as a reason to keep you from my parents. My dad especially wants me to be with a guy who he thinks is good for me and is basically the opposite of what you seem to be. But i know the real you and thats all that matters. Im sorry justin, i didnt mean to make you feel any less." you said now in a sobbing mess.

Justin turned around and looked at you with glossy eyes. He came up to you and wrapped his arms around your small frame. "Justin?" You sniffed looking up at him.

He put your head on his cheat as he held you and let you cry. "yes?"

"I miss you." you wrapped your arms around him tightly.

"Please dont ever leave me again. I need you, i love you Justin. Please."

"I miss you too, ignoring you isnt actually the easiest thing. I was just very caught up in my feelings. i Can blame you though for hiding me from your parents. they are crazy strict." he laughed at the end.

"And i'd never leave you. Especially when we need each other." He kissed your forehead.


Hey! Sorry that its been a long while since ive updated. I didnt know what to write. And plus no one is sending in requests !!!

And wow, the competition is real out here. There are like 70 jb interracial prefs omg

An theyre all doing well. *skull emoji*

So yeah, i hope you loved this one! Came out of nowhere really haha. Im planning on making another fanfic so this pref is where that came from haha.

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