He's homeless

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*Your name is Allia in this*

"I really don't feel like going to class today." Allia said sighing As she locked her apartment door. It was a cool Monday morning. The skies were grey and heavy signaling it was about to rain, and luckily, Allia had her umbrella with her.

Hopefully she wouldn't need it because the college campus was just a couple blocks away, but she doubted that.

Her car was being fixed today so she had to walk. Which meant, waking up earlier today.

She only had about two classes today and then she could go home.

Although it was a Monday, Allia still didn't mind showing up to class. She loved school, to be quite honest.

She didn't have much friends or anything, but it was the fact that she got to learn which made school worthwhile for her. Allia loved learning new things and getting involved.

As she walked on the sidewalk, she felt a drop on her cheek.

Allia took out her umbrella when she saw that it was beginning to drizzle. She had it in her book bag Justin in case. She was always prepared. Plus, she watched the forecast. Suddenly, it started pouring.

"Ohhhhh justttt greatttttt." She rolled her eyes and held it tighter. Is it too late to go back home? Not only was it raining, but it was cold...

A combination that she hated so much.

Allia was still debating whether she should turn back or just keeping going.

Nah professor John gives out too much work for me to turn around now. She thought.

Allia stopped in her tracks when she saw a figure balled up in a corner of a store. She tried to examine the figure as it was pouring.

It was a young man. He had on a hoodie. A beanie, boots and gloves. His eyes were closed and he appeared to be sleeping. He was, however, shivering in the process.

Her heart immediately broke. He was homeless. The poor man was just sitting in a corner with his head down as rain heavily poured. Allia bit her lip and tapped the man's shoulder.

He slowly looked up and Then when he saw her, he looked slightly amused. "Um sir, please, take my umbrella." She felt awkward calling him sir when he looked just a tad bit older than her.

He blinked at her, not really believing what she said to him. "I-I-

"I insist, please. I'll be fine. Please, take it." She urged him.

The homeless man looked at her long and hard but then creased his eyebrows.

He gave her a nervous smile and shakily took her umbrella. "Th-thank you." He said amazed at her kindness.

"You're welcome, sir." Allia gave him a soft smile before speedily making her way to the campus. As she continued her journey to her school, her thoughts lingered to the homeless man.

Allia thought how it pained her heart to see people suffering. If she could help every homeless person, She would. We live in such a cruel world.

Why does there have to be people in need? There's so many humans but no humanity.

She's always had such empathy for people. That's just how she was. She couldn't even be mean to somebody. If she was, she'd immediately say she was sorry.

There wasn't an ounce of evil in her. Completely innocent and nice with her 5'2 frame.



On my way out my classroom I had a huge smile on my face. Not only because I passed a pop quiz that one of my professors have out, but because I got to see, Anderson around the campus.

He's a junior at the college and plays soccer. We also have the same major which is, Engineering and he's just I so nice and handsome...

He's part of the reason why I love coming to school.

One of the things that make me so happy at the end of the day is the fact that I sometimes catch him looking at me. I just-i can't.

He's just so perfect...

As I turned to the street that I always did when walking too and back from school, I took in my surrounding and hummed.

I stopped walking when i saw a leg stick out from a good distance. I noticed the ripped jeans and boot from the morning and wondered, is the same man I saw from this morning still there?

I quickened my pace and when I got closer to him, I took in a deep breath. It was him.

I approached him and watched him at the same time. He had a frown on his face as he played with his fingers. He looked down and just seemed dazed.

I hated seeing him here. He was way too young to be out on the streets like this, anyways. Did he not go to school? Was he abandoned?

"U-uh hey." I said softly as I stood in front of him. He slowly looked me from my feet to my face. It was then that I took in his handsome face. He had beautiful hazel eyes, nicely shaped pink lips and a thin nose. He also had long eyelashes and his hair was hidden by his beanie.

"I-um I just-"

"I-it's you." He said slowly and in slight disbelief. He gives a slight smile.

"Y-yes um-"

He then furrowed his eyebrows. "Wh-what you d-doing here this dark? I-it's danger-ous."

I tilted my head to the side. I was in the better condition and he was worried about me. "I should be asking you that, sir."

"Why are you talking to me?"

"I-I'm just, I'm sorry I don't want to be nosy. I just was so worried about you being here...alone..and cold."

He looked at me some more, just studying me.

"What is your name?" I asked him, a little awkward.

"Jason.." He said and frowned.

I felt so sorry for him.

"U-um, here." I took out some money from my purse and squatted, Handed some cash to him.

"It's not much, but, please take it." I smiled at him. I felt like I was doing a good deed.

He looked at the money confused.

"Here, you can buy stuff.."

He looked at me before taking it. "Wh-why?" He asked me, confused.

"I just, want to help you know?" I bit my lip.

"You-you too kind.."

I smiled at him. "It's just in my nature."

"You're-you're n-name?" He asked nervously.

"My name is Allia."


I hope you guys liked this. This was an idea I had for a story I had in mind.

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