Best friend's brother pt. 2

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Its been a whole week, and Justin still hasn't contacted you. He hasn't came over, or text, call...

In school he didn't even talk to you. He was very upset..

"Ohhh y/nn!" You could recognize that preppy voce anywhere. It was your close friend Sara running to you and beer hugging you.

You smiled and hugged her back tightly.

"Aww what's up with you? You're so sad." She growing and punching my arm.

"Its nothing.."

"Awe its Justin isn't it?"

You creased your eyebrows. "What?"

"Come on, you should know I'm very observant by now. Okay, you and Jason are together right?" She asked.


"Well there you have it!" She laughed. "Huh?' You rubbed your arm from the sore spot she punched.

"First of all Justin and jason don't get along, you and justin have been best friends for the longest and now that you're dating his brother, he's not Happy about it because he doesn't understand what you could see in Jason when Justin has been around for like...ever."

You tilted your head to the side. "You read a lot of FanFiction, don't you?"

"Why of course! And its the 1D ones that really get me. I love the ones with the love triangles. Like, you love The bad boy, Zayn but Harry is such a sweetheart. Ugh, torn between two lovers!" She said.

"Ugh okay. You're definitely right, though. I just don't understand why all of a sudden Justin is up my ass about dating Jason, its not like he likes me or something."

"Are you serious, y/n. Anyone can see that Justin loves you! He'd literally do anything for you! Have you not noticed? He follows you everywhere.. And he does things that boyfriends usually do to their girlfriends. He buys you gummy bears all the time, hugs you from behind, and make sure you're okay and looks at you lovingly... You're so blessed.."

"Justin has been my best friend for more than 7 years, I think its normal for us to get that close by now. And anyway, yeah I don't think be likes me."


"Maybe you'll understand me. Listen. If a boy has been as close to like Justin has been close to me for seven years, yet has NOT admitted any type of feelings towards you, he doesn't like you. Its like crushing on a guy for about four months yet he's completely unresponsive and shows no signs of being interested. Then you learn to give up."


"See? I mean I used to have a crush on Justin a few years back, but like I said, unresponsive. Never admitted any type of feelings. When asked if he liked me, he'd say no."


"Glad you understand me." You said.

You soon felt arms snake their way around your waist and a head in the crook of your neck. "Hey beautiful."

You almost said Justin, but you knew it was Jason because of his deeper voice. "Hello there, you person, you." You chuckled before he placed a kiss on your cheek.

"So what were you ladies talking about?" Jason asked wrapping an arm around your shoulder.

"Just girl stuff." Sara said winking at you. The bell rang. "I'll see you later, babe." Jason said cupping my cheek and kissing my lips. He gave my butt a light tap before beforehand talking down the hall.

"You are so lucky!!" Sara squealed.


"Not only is your best friend hot, but so Is your boyfriend! And the best that they're twin brothers!!!"

"Alright, no More FanFiction for you."


When the dismissal bell rang, your phone buzzed.

After a week of silence, you finally got a text from Justin.

Jaybear: I'll drive you home

Me: no its okay, Jason is driving me today

You turned my phone off. Justin wants to talk to you now?

Jason opened the car door for you and you got in the passenger seat.

"What's up baby girl, you seem upset?" Jason asked putting the car in reverse and backing out the schools parking lot.

"Nothing, just stressed out."

"Oh? About what? Is anyone giving you problems? I'll ruff them up for you." He said giving off a mean playful face. You laughed.

"No no, just with schoolwork and stuff."

"Just hang in there, just a couple months later until gradation." He told you.

"True." You sighed.

You waved to jason after he dropped you off.

When you finished up your homework, your doorbell rang.

"Coming!" You yelled jogging down the stairs. You opened the door and came face to face with Justin.

"Hello ex-best friend"

Justin rolled his eyes and came in. "To what do I owe this visit?" You asked closing and locking the door.

"I just came by to say that I missed you and that I'm sorry."

"Its okay, it wasn't that deep anyway." You laughed. You just couldn't stay mad at him and he knew it too.

"And awww I misses you too." You said jumping on his back without him falling. He was expecting it.

"What do you want to do?" You asked. "Let's go on Netflix and scroll through movies we won't watch." He suggested.

"Okay let's do it."

You got the blankets Justin went into your kitchen and got the snacks out yours secret shelf. It was like he lived here.

You two plopped on the couch. You sat a little farther away from Justin than you usually did. Usually you'd be all snuggled up to him with your head in his chest. Sometimes he'd lay his head on your lap and you'd caress the side of his face or play with his hair, but that couldn't really happen because you kinda had a boyfriend.

"Y/n are you gonna come closer?" He chuckled.

"Nope. I'd love to cuddle up Justin, but I have a boyfriend." You said honestly.

He frowned. "Oh um, I totally forgot about that." He shook his head.

We finally settled on a movie and watched it. We had fun laughing and talking about personal things but the only thing missing was the cozying up.


I'm making a part 3 ❤❤❤ I just had to leave this part right here lol

Please tell me what you think.

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