He's a Prince

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*Some of you have read my book, Prince of France. This imagine is basically one of the early chapters. So this is for people who haven't read it.

-in first person and you live in France

"Yeah, yeah." I said groggily as I stopped the alarm clock. I woke up at 6:30am every day and I still wake up tired.

I did my morning routine of freshening up then I started ironing my clothes. I didn't want any wrinkles today, to be honest.

As I finished and started putting on my uniform, I realized how boring my life was. Everyday was the same thing over and over again.

I am so lame.

I really need to get out more or something. I also haven't contact my family in a while, which I really need to.

I entered café verlet and it smelled even better than usual. We probably had a lot of customers today. I also hears a soft tune in the background. I quickly recognized the song as, "Yellow daisies" By fertile ground.

It kind of made me wonder because you don't often hear black jazz in French shops. But I enjoyed it and hummed along.

I didn't see Juliette by the register today so I just went straight to work. I took turns as both working behind the register and as a waitress. it was very rare that I did this, but today was no slow day and I needed the money.

I kind of felt nervous because there were almost people everywhere.

"Ici, vous allez monsieur"

Translation: Here you go, sir.

The old man with greying hair looked at me funny before paying and leaving. eh, I get weird looks sometimes.

The upside to working here though, it that I get to meet a lot of people. some nice, some mean, and I've also learned a few customers name's. wow, my life is boring.

"y/n," I heard someone whisper. I turned my head a couple times but still couldn't find the person who said my name. I even dared to turn to the direction of my manager and she was watching me with hawk eyes. I don't know, but I just feel that she doesn't like me.

"Y/n" The voice whispered again and this time I found the source. Sandra.

She was one of my coworkers. we didn't talk much, but she was very nice and friendly.

"Yes, Sandra?" I asked her. She was a French girl Who could also speak English. She had long dark hair braided in pigtails and she had grey eyes. She is very pretty.

She looked down at her feet as she spoke. "Erm, the man at that table over there," She said looking up and pointing to a table in the back. "He wants you to go and serve him." She said with her cheeks turning into a shade of pink.

I furrowed my eyebrows. umm, what the hell? A random man wants me to stop what I'm doing to serve him? I mean, that's basically my job but this is odd..and I'm at the register.

I don't know if I should go. "This is strange." I said. "I'll take over, you just go." She spoke quickly. I was very confused now.

I grabbed a small notepad and pen and walked towards the table Sandra pointed to. As I came closer, I realized this was the same man from yesterday. The one I embarrassed myself in front of who wore the dark shades.

but just today he's wearing different sunglasses..

I don't know what it is about this guy. who wears glasses indoors anyway?

"Sir, You asked for me? may I be of any service?" I asked politely. I was getting quite uncomfortable with his gaze. I wasn't sure what he could be looking at through those shades but I'm pretty sure it was me. I instinctively tugged my skirt down a little.

I saw his mouth part a little. He had nice pink colored lips and neatly styled hair. he also had a nice button nose . Even though his eyes were sheilded, I could tell he was a very handsome man.

I was brought out of my trance when I realized his eyebrow rose and he had a grin forming on his lips. "I'd like a flat white, bagle, And cheese cake..." He said with a white smile. I quickly scribbled down his order and left to turn it in.

While I got the order ready, I got strange stares from my coworkers. the staring was as equivalent to when I first started working here. the looks got me confused but I'm beginning to think it has something to do with that man. I didn't even know what the big deal was, anyway.

Its not like he's famous or something. But he did look like he had a lot of money.

If they want him, they can have him. I took the trey with his order and made it back to his table.

When I got there, I noticed he no longer had his glasses on and my oh my, I almost tripped over my own two feet at how gorgeous he was. Simply handsome and his eyes....LORD.

I could've sworn I saw a tinge of gold in his hazel eyes.

"Here, Sir." I said landing the trey on his table.

The area we were in was small and reserved but I could hear people whispering in hushed tones.

"Thank you, Miss..." He trailed off waiting for me to say my name.

"Oh, y/n. My name is y/n." I smiled politely.

"Y/n...." He sounded out my name to fit his liking. This a weird name, but its unique. I like it." He said looking up at me.

I could see the small stache he was growing. "Thanks?" I said. I didn't know how to take the 'Compliment'.

I adjusted my hat because I felt it slipping. I knew I should have just put it in a puff.

The man's gaze shifted from my face, to my hair. "You have strange hair." He said bluntly. ummm.

He continued to stare at it as if he was exhibiting a rare creature at the zoo.

"May I touch it?" He asked. I furrowed my eyebrows. so he says my hair is weird then requests to touch it? What is this? But I didn't want want to be rude, plus the whispering kept increasing.

"Sure." I lowered my head waiting for him to touch it. I soon felt his hands in my hair. he started petting it (which I thought was odd) Then he softly tugged it.

I chuckled to his amusement. this was all predicted. "It feels so soft and it stretches too, oh my." He said. Again, predicted.

I soon felt his hands rest in my hair. "Em, Miss. I believe my hand is stuck in your hair."

Here we go again...

I raised up my hand and started patting my hair to find His hand. when I found it, I realized he also had rings on his fingers as well which was all to my luck.

However, I took his hand and started unwinding the tight curls from his fingers.his hand was quite warm and big as well.

when I saw His hand my eyes sided. he had a few rings on his fingers that looked like priceless gold jewelry.

"Will that be all, Sir?" I asked once I stood up and fixed my hair again. I just really wanted to return to the register right now.

For some reason, the man cocked his head to the side with a confused expression on his face. "Yes. that would be all."

When I returned back to my post I felt a little in easy. "Sandra, why is everyone-" I asked the girl but she cut meniff. "Excuse me." She said with her head low before passing me by.

Even Mary was giving me glances.


I thought this would be good to add to the imagines. ❤
Lemme know if you want a part 2, or you can just read the book lol❤❤

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