He's your ex and wants you back

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There was a knock at your apartment door.

You peeked in the little hole and saw a delivery man. "Not again.." You muttered under your breath.

It has been the tenth time this week that a delivery man had come to your house to give you gifts from your ex, Justin.

its been 3 weeks since you broke up with him for cheating, and he still hasn't gotten the memo that you are done with him.

You unlocked the door and looked at the scared Man holding a bouquet of roses and daisies with a box of chocolates and jewelry.

you sighed. You didn't want any of these gifts.

"Ma'am, delivery from-" He said but you cut him off.

"I know. You sighed. You decided to rake them anyway because He looked petrified as if he was forced to come here.

"Thank you, ma'am." He said as he let me sign a couple places.

You nodded your head and put the unwanted gifts where they usually go. In a storage closet. Where you never go by the way.

If it gets too crowded, you just throw them away. Not a problem.

While you were watching a new movie that came out, "Annie" my cell phone began to ring.


You groaned. Justin has become such a bother. he even has Za, Khalil, and the rest of his friends calling you as well.

It just makes you so upset and angry and you just want to forget about him for a whole day without him calling you every five minutes.

you picked up your phone. "Justin," You said sternly.

"babygirl," he said happy that you picked up.

"Do you have a life? stop fucking calling me!" You snapped, about to hang up.

"Baby girl, please. You have no idea how much  regret I have for what I did. I'm so stupid for breaking your heart like that. Please.." He said gently.

Don't cave, don't cave.

Deep down you knew you missed Justin. But you also knew you couldn't run back to him after what you saw.

"Justin, Please stop.." You said as tears were beginning to slip out of your eyes. Your heart was crumbling all over again.

"Y/N plead listen to me..I can't live this life without you. I miss you so much and hope you can forgive me. I want to to talk to you again. I want to kiss you again. touch you, make love to you, make you laugh, comfort you. I want to to do all of those things with you, y/n." He said soothingly.


"I miss you." He said as I heard in even ness in his voice.

"You hurt me so bad.." You said remembering him kissing on another girls neck.

"B-baby I know. I'm so very sorry."

"I can't believe you did that to me.." You said as images if him feeling up another woman entering your head.

"y/n please.."

"Was she better than me, Justin?" You asked curious.

His voice got caught in his throat. "Y-y/n what are you-"

"Did you have fun?"

"y/n please don't do this right now-"

"I thought you loved me."

"Baby girl, I love you with all of my heart, you need to believe me!" He said desperately.

"I don't know what to believe anymore." you said wiping your tears.

"y/n-" click.


Hope you enjoyed. and ugh its so hard to do these kind of preferences without taking Justin back lol But I have to make this realistic.

Sorry for the errors! I type too fast. Don't forget to vote!!

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