You two are on a website

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You never really thought that you'd be so attached to someone on the internet at all.

It was a site where you could just chat with random people about almost anything.

Initially, you thought that it would be fun to just joke around with random people on the net, but now you going on this site is happening day by day all because of your friend, "Bizzlejizzle"

Aka, "Drew" You two have been best buds through the internet since last year and you continue to get attached to this "Drew" everyday.

It was just something about him. You two decided to open up a chat sometime a couple months ago and talk to each other.

He likes singing, dancing, making music and he's very funny. He said he was around his early 20's.

You told him that you were very funny, compassionate, and love music as well.

It got to a point where you two would arrange time to talk to each other in the internet  and you almost had a heart attack when you almost missed the time.

"I love you, Drew." You whispered out of nowhere as you were watching the clock.

Often times, Drew would always be busy but you two would still have time to talk to each other Even if it's just for a short time.

"Mm. you talking about your internet boyfriend again?" You heard your sister say as she looked back at her phone.

"Leave me Alone, y/s/n." You said rolling your eyes.

She chuckled. "Y/n don't you know that talking to people over the internet is dangerous?" She asked.

I frowned. "Yeah."

You heard your computer make a "ting" sound.

"Omgggg Drew!" You said typing away on your laptop.

BjzzleJizzle: Hey, sorry for not getting on earlier, but what's up?

he asked.

Afroditee: Its okay, really. And nothing much. just watching stepbrothers.

you said as your sister looked over your shoulder and whispered in your ear, "Liar."

"Yeah, well it had to be done. I didn't want to sound lame. Anddd, stepbrothers is his favorite movie." You whispered harshly.

"What are you whispering for? you act like he can hear us." She said raising an eyebrow.

"Well maybe he can" you snapped back.


I quickly opened my laptop and opened up the site to talk to one of my friends.

to be honest, I thought it was desperate for people yo talk to each other on the computer, but I'm kinda debating on that.

Not too long ago, I became friends with a girl (I assume) through the net and I feel attached to her in some way for a while now.

We liked the same things, but we also had our differences but she was very intelligent and cool.

I saw that she's online so I quickly sent her a message. I don't know why I kept smiling.

I heard a "ting" and read her response. My eyes widened. "She's watching stepbrothers!!" I said jumping up and down.

"Sit yo ass down." oh,I forgot that Za was hanging over for a little bit. He was on the couch on his phone. I rolled my eyes and continued to chat with "Afroditee" For 2 hours.

she is very interesting. its such a shame that I gave to pretend who I am. But it has to be done because of my reputation.

Who knows? maybe I can meet this girl one day.

I honestly think there should be a part 2 but I don't know..

Anyway I hope you like!! I honestly do love this one. Wow, I say that a lot. Well, only because its the truth!

Oh! and guess what guys??? there's a new interracial story made from one of our sistas!! its called, "Our love" and its by, @Justinswifeforever !!!!!!!! we progressin everyone!!! please check out her story! its lovely.

peace, love, and dust....if that makes sense.

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