He's your guardian angel pt.2

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*still first person

Where did he go? Hmm.

I knew he was weird.

-the next day-

"So you're just going to sit there and stare at him?" Layla asked grinning at me.

"Yup. I want to see what his next moves are. I mean look at him. Who just sits there with their arm crossed and their head hung down?"

"People who are tired?"

"No. Why didn't he just go to his dorm or something to sleep?"

"You're taking things out of proportion."

"This is no coincidence."

All of a sudden his head slowly rose and he looked in my direction.

Oh great..

He smirked when he saw me staring and he stood up. "Uh oh, he's coming this way." Layla said. "You're on your own." She said walking away.


White boy was now standing in front of me. Even though he towered over me, he didn't seem threatening. There was this gentle aura around him.

"Hello. My name's Justin and I couldn't help but notice you looking my way." He said smiling at me.

"I wasn't staring at you."

"Its not good to tell lies," he said gently. "Oh and..I think you're stalking me." He said.

"As if. I have better things to do."

"Like studying. You should get to it." Justin said tilting his head to the side.

"And what about you? All you do is sit on that bench, waiting for something to happen."

"You really shouldn't be worrying about me." He chuckled. "Anyway I have to go, but before I do...., I have to tell you something."

"What?" I asked him.

"There's going to be a big party on campus. I advice you to not go."

I looked at him strange. 'Of course I'll be going to that party. As a student going into medicine, the work is hard and It would be cool to get loose to shake off all the stress."

"At all cost, don't go."

"I'm not going to take advice from a stranger."

"I'm not stranger."

"Yes you are. I just met you. You don't even know me."

"I know you, darling."

"You're weird." I said shaking my head and proceeded, to walk back to my dorm.

When I turned around to see if he was still there, he wasn't.
Okay, what up with him disappearing all the time?


I'll be making a part 3 :)

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