The news

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You were currently watching the news about the Whole Mike Brown senerio.

Today they were going to tell the public whether or not officer Darren Wilson was guilty or innocent.

You began to wonder why it took 100 days just to come up with a decision because with any other case, it shouldn't take this long

You didn't understand why every time there is a black issue, it takes DAYS for the news to cover it but now you could clearly see the answer.

Black lives don't matter.

You sighed when they were about to release the decision.

"The grand jury has decided. Officer Wilson found, not guilty. "

you immediately began to bat your eyes. "What?" You asked rewinding what the news correspondent said.

"Are you fucking serious? what is this?" You asked on the verge of tears.

"This cop MURDERED a human being and you let him runaway free!!" You yelled at the TV as if they could hear you.

"And why the hell do they gave to wait until night time to tell us this bullshit??!' You said  and storming to the bedroom.

"This is not fair.." You sobbed as you went under the covers.

It wasn't soon until you heard the main door slam, indicating that Justin was home. You wanted to run into his arms and sobb into his arms but it was kind of awkward at this point.

"Baby, I'm home!!" He yelled. After a while, you heard his footsteps running up the stairs and stopping at the door.

You just stayed silent as the tears continued to roll down tour cheeks making the pillow wet.

"Baby girl, are you okay?" He asked sitting next to your body on the bed.

You turned over to face him.  "No.." You said brokenly.

His face showed heavy concern and sadness.

"Y/n, I heard and saw the news today. Za and Khalil both told me about it and I couldn't help but to think about how you were gonna feel about this. Its truly unfair." He said wiping my tears away with his thumb.

You sighed. "Baby, does my life matter?" You asked as his eyebrows creased and he seemed taken back.

"Y/n it fucking does. Please don't ask that ever again. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you." He said standing up balling his fists.

you felt your eyes burn. "Justin...this boy is justice was served st all!! this murderer went away free!! what if I were to die tomorrow?? what would happen, huh?! apparently no one would care!" You said storming to the bathroom and locking it shut.

"Baby I understand!! All this wasn't fair at all." He said banging on the door.

"More than 6 fucking times, Justin!! 6! and the officer claimed self defense!! self defense is one shot, Justin. A police should know that! he shot him multiple times!!" You yelled truing to control your anger.

"I know baby, I just don't understand why this pattern is going on. All lives should matter and it seems like one side is always getting the upper hand. If I could do something about it, I would baby. I would." He said trying to calm me down.

"Baby girl, please open the door.." He said softly. You sighed and realized you couldn't ignore Justin.

you opened the door and was immediately engulfed in Justin's embrace.

"I love you y/n, I understand why you're angry and it's not wring, its okay. There needs to be a change." He said.

You chuckled. "You know its kinda funny because the U.S is always trying to get involved in other people's country affairs. Always trying to fight for other peoples freedom and rights, yet they are turning a blind side to their own people and ignoring their own people's cries for Justice." You said shaking your head.

"You're right baby." Justin said typing something into his phone.

"What are you doing?" you asked leaning over to see what he's doing.

"Here, baby." He gave you his phone and he was on twitter. You read his latest tweet.

"@JustinBieber: This is truly unfair. All lives matter regardless of race. The Justice system has a long way to go."

After reading the tweet, You jumped on him and he catches you. You started missing his face repeatedly and he smiled and laughed knowing that he made you happy.

Hello everyone, I just want to say that this wirld is unfair. God created all men equal and apparently that is ignored in today's society. My heart goes out to The victim's family.

Thanks @Yvonnemcguiness for this request.

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