He rapes you

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You woke up to a large furnished room that looked unfamiliar to you. You didn't know where you were or how you got here but you were getting scared because you knew you didn't belong here.

The last thing you remembered was you walking yourself home from school. You were doing some after school project and your mother forgot to pick you up and you didn't have a ride so you chose to walk.

That's all you remembered...

A door opened making you jump.

When you looked up, you saw a male walking in with a smile on his face.

"Sweetheart, you're awake.." He said looking at you intently.

You scooted farther away on the bed. You opened your mouth to scream but he smirked and raised his finger to his lips.

"Ah ah ah, don't upset me sweetheart." He said.

"Wh-who are yo-where am I?" You stuttered fearing for your life. You were supposed to be at home! You could tell it was already dark outside.

"You're in my lovely home, sweetheart. As for who i am, my name is Justin." He said with a devilish smile.

He was handsome, you'd give him that, but something didn't seem right. With him that was...you just had a feeling he was mentally unbalanced. It was just radiating off him. He had an aura that screamed dangerous and crazy.

Him wearing all black didn't help either.

"I-i need to go home, i-shouldnt be here." I said.

"So soon, sweetheart?" He asked taking steps towards me.

"Stop calling me that! I need to go home." I said getting off the bed and brushing past him only to have my arm yanked back.


"You don't even know your way out, sweetheart. And I'll call you whatever the fuck I want to.." He whispered brushing a strand of hair behind your ear.

"Don't touch me!" You said ripping his hand off you. "I need to get out of here. I have a place to be!"

What i said seemed to only anger him. His hazel eyes turned black and he had an irritated look in his face.

"What if I said you're not going anywhere? Hm? " he asked.

You just about had it and slapped him across his face. "Fucking get me out of here.."

He placed his hand on the side that you slapped and flicked His eyes to you with amusement in them. He grinned.

"You shouldn't hsve done that, sweetheart."

He was really scaring you. He yanked yout arm again and you tried pulling back but he was insanely strong. Your sock covered feet even slid trying to pull your arm back and get away from him.

"Stop! Let me go!"
He pushed you onto the bed with so much force.

"Stop-stop it! Get off!" You said as he got on top of you. You screamed and he slapped you, hard.

The stinging hurt so much that a tear slid down your cheek. "Get off! Please get off me!" You said as realization hit you with what he was about to do.

You began banging your fists at His chest bug it didn't do much but draw a smirk on his face.

He ripped your shirt off. "No! Stop, please!" You said trying to get up but he was straddling you. He was so heavy.

"Calm down sweetheart.." He teased you.

Tears started slipping from your eyes.

He aggressively yanked down your shorts and that was when your heart dropped to your stomach. "Get off! Oh my God please stop! Please.."if only he wasn't on top.

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