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Jeon Jungkook

The married life with Jungkook has been treating you well even though it's only been a day since the wedding. It all went by so fast, but it was easily one of the greatest days of your life. The wedding was an intimate one with all your closest friends and family. The furthest it branched off to were the siblings of the boys. A lot of the younger ones got along well with each other. Some of the boys questioned how they never tried to make their siblings friends before. That seemed to be a new project for them to work on. Your older sister talked with Yeona a bit, but she spent a majority of the night with her fiancé. You're excited for when she finally marries Hyungseong. They look cute together!

Clearly, not as cute as Jungkook and you. That was a given. Jungkook adored you, sometimes more than you thought was humanly possible. You weren't anything special but he always insisted you were. Then again you're his first love and his last as he so romantically says. He did steal your first kiss and fought Jimin for you after all. Those memories were still interesting to think about. Ones that you decided to shove under a rug because you also fought a girl for Jungkook. Sort of. She thought the two of you were dating or at least had a thing going on. Well, she was a couple years early on that fight. It's fine though. You continue to win it anyway.

Jungkook and you were currently on a plane over to Jeju for your honeymoon. The two of you were so excited. Honestly, you've been looking forward to this since the moment your booked the flight. You handled everything when it came to the honeymoon. The hotel, the location, the plane tickets. The list could go on. You made sure to look up couple activities that would be available near the hotel. Just some fun things for Jungkook and you to do for the week that you're there. You know Jungkook prefers to stay inside if he's in a new area or not surrounded by people he knows, but you trust that he'll come along with you to try scuba diving, wine tasting, or a cute café nearby. This was your time to be alone with him! No interruptions!

He complained a lot about that when it came to your wedding. Despite him being the one to marry you, the boys kept pulling you away from him when it came to dancing. It also didn't sit to well when Yoongi drunkenly admitted he had feelings for you but was going to forget about them and focus on himself. He told you that while he was at the bar towards the middle of the night. You were shocked at first. That didn't stop you from hugging him and telling Yoongi that his own well being was more important. Apparently Jungkook didn't appreciate the hug though after the kiss on the cheek during the dance. At least Jungkook didn't quite catch the first part. You don't really know how that would have gone down. Sometimes your husband could have his fair bursts of jealousy and anger.

Today he was calm though. How could he not be? The two of you barely landed at the airport, ready to tackle on the first day of the honeymoon. You never felt more prepared for anything! It's been a busy day since the moment you woke up. Jungkook shoved the luggage into Seokjin's truck and you made sure that nothing was forgotten. Seokjin dropped the two of you off at the airport very early in the morning. From there, Jungkook latched onto you in the busy airport. He refused to leave your side which proved to be problematic when you wanted to go to the bathroom. Jungkook really couldn't stand how many people there were, but soon fell asleep on the plane ride. At that point things were easier for the both of you.

You handled a lot of the talking while sleepy Jungkook held your hand through the airport. He didn't properly wake up until the two of you were in a taxi. The first stop would be to check into the hotel, drop your things off, and then explore what Jeju has to offer! It was barely the afternoon and the sun was already making everything down here so hot. The air was humid, making Jungkook desperate for air conditioning. He didn't want to get out of the taxi but you promised the hotel would feel nice. Jungkook thankfully cooperated and went inside the hotel with you. You checked into the room, the two of you finally arriving to the room with a perfect view of the ocean.

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