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School ended today for the last regular time. Third years were already doing rehearsals for the ceremony so it could run smoother. Teachers have been stressed to deal with the older students who didn't give sh*ts and dealing with the students who weren't able to graduate. Seokjin didn't care too much for the process. Then Yoongi wouldn't hesitate to start complaining during lunch. Today, he gave his last rant about it since it was the last rehearsal. Tomorrow will be the real thing. The school year was finally coming to an end and so was the gang. Today was the second to last day the boys remained as a gang together. It made the mood a little grey with air, quiet and soft. No one's really jumping in excitement for the gang to end. That would never be the case.

Everyone was kind of silent during the ride to the warehouse. The emotions of it all were weighing hard on the members. On you too. Though you weren't a member, it hurt to see the members down and you'd miss everything too. It sucks how the good things in life have to come to end. Some might see being in a gang as a negative thing, but you honestly think it's the best thing that ever happened for the boys. Even if it messed up with some of their morals amongst other things. You know deep down that you wouldn't have become friends with any of the boys if they weren't in a gang. Not even Jimin. He still kept a wall towards you until you found out the truth. That's when they accepted you and showed you how beautiful the rough things in life are. Most people like to live with the sun out and avoid those who live when the moon's out. The boys taught you the mesmorizing mix of a breath-taking sunset. Warm colors, fuzzy feelings, and honey colored memories.

Time was going too fast. Everyone in the truck could agree to that. Seokjin still wanted to see all his younger members grow up. He'd be missing two years of that. Yoongi didn't want to go into the military yet. He wanted to stay with the gang. Hoseok wanted to enjoy everyone's happiness which was slightly hard. No one was really smiling at their last hurrah in the warehouse. Namjoon wanted to continue leading these boys but had to let go and let them take their own steps. He can't be holding their hands as they walk across the street anymore. Jimin wanted all his members to have no regrets about their choices in life. He wanted them to do everything with a smile and promise to stay a family no matter what. Taehyung wanted to joke with his hyungs more, have them dote on him, and fill a void in his life. But he can't rely on others to make life easier for him. Then Jungkook just wanted his hyungs to be happy. He was tired of having them mope around when they entered the warehouse. Things may change, but the bond they had with eachother was indesctrucible.

"Come on, Hyungs!" Jungkook hollered at the boys. Taehyung and Jimin were sitting on the couch, originally fidgeting with their fingers quietly. Yoongi was organizing his things in a closet to wait for him. Seokjin was sitting at the table, unable to touch his food. Namjoon and Hoseok kept sighing heavily, annoying the heck out of the maknae. "I know it's hard, but I'd really like to have good memories of this place before everyone goes away. This is supposed to be like a farewell party and all we're doing is sighing at what could have been! Why can't we just enjoy what it is for as long as we have it?" His words leaving everyone stunned for a bit.

"Kookie's right." Seokjin shoved his plate away from him. He stood up from his chair abruptly and walked over to the edge of the stage where the second years were. "I want to have a good farewell party. One that'll make me survive two years away from all of you."

"Aw..." Hoseok grinned. He turned to Yoongi with a question. "Do we have any balloons and streamers?"

"We have a bag of weed and my sh*t which you can't touch." Yoongi closed the closet door.

"Who's ready to get high!?" Taehyung jumped onto his feet. You furrowed your brows at that. Jimin couldn't stop laughing when that came out of his mouth.

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