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Hiding Yoongi hasn't been that much of a challenge. In the beginning, you were paranoid you sister would find out at any second. She was clueless! It made you cross your fingers for more luck like this. The members haven't said anything about you not eating lunch with them last week. Here goes another week of school! Hopefully, things can continue to ride smoothly. The gang was still angry at Yoongi, but they've cooled down. You liked hanging out with them a lot. It's only when they mentioned Yoongi in a bad light that you wanted to disappear. They haven't found him or beat him up yet so that was good! Everyday you found a reason to run off to the bathroom to meet up with Yoongi during lunch.

Lunch was always your favorite since you got to meet everyone else, but now it was a lot more special. You were quite proud of yourself for improving your relationship with the male. Just this morning, you woke up before the alarm could ring. You turned it off with an evil smirk as you stared at the sleeping boy. He looked so cute cuddling Holly. Ever since he started sleeping with the dog, he stopped getting those nightmares. Time to wake him up! Gently setting your feet on the ground, you tip toed over to the blue hair. You were about to scream and scare him awake. That was the plan at least. Yoongi ruined your fun though by growling 'if you jump me...' in a very threatening tone.

So you gently woke him up, but he still didn't like that. He swore angrily and cutely covered the ears of Holly. The morning process with him has gotten easier. You even managed to get his uniform back for him. He kept it in one of the many closets in the warehouse. It was hard trying to sneak it out without the members wondering about it. They didn't care about the uniform, but they would certainly have questions for you if they caught you trying to take it home. Seokjin dropped you off and you happily gave Yoongi his clothes back. Though that made him happy, the other members were pissed to see him wearing it since that meant he must have returned to the warehouse at one point in time. That wasn't the case at all.

Dealing with this drama was too stressful. It took a toll on you from trying to act natural amongst the gang members and pretending to be on their side. Then you had to come up with all these excuses to hang out with a guy who doesn't even really like you that much. You were happy he didn't exactly hate you anymore, but he did have his moments when he made you feel like sh*t. He did apologize for his insults now though so that's improvement! Yoongi would naturally say hurtful things but he's become a tiny bit kinder towards you. Maybe it's the fact that you house him and feed him. He no longer eats convenience store food since you make his lunch. This boy is getting treated like a prince, so you expect an apology when he calls you b*tch. And it's working!

It might be a little cocky to say this, but you think Yoongi is going to consider you a friend very soon. He's slowly trusting you which is really nice. During the first week he stayed at your house, he became paranoid that the other gang members knew he was with you. He even accused you of telling them and that you were helping them plan some evil scheme. You managed to calm him down from that strange imagination he had. It took some time, but you assured him that he was safe in your care. Yoongi was doing his best to trust you so you appreciated that. You could tell how hard he was trying. Especially since he actually doesn't mind talking to you too much. He only hates in when you can't stop talking.

It's mainly at night when you try coming up with plans to make things right. You've done your best to help the gang see things on your side. Of course, you still have to act like you're furious with Yoongi but not as much. As long as the gang slowly gets it in their head that Yoongi isn't a complete monster. So far Yoongi has sent the group a lot of his money from the deals. They didn't want it though and gave it to you. Namjoon told you to just burn it, but you returned it to Yoongi. He was shocked and you had to remind him to think something up from his heart. Something to help humanize him.

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