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Jungkook sat to your right while Jimin, and Taehyung were on your left. The four of you squished onto the green couch together as you waited for Namjoon to come inside. He was dealing with the new gang and you weren't looking forward to being yelled at by him. The two of you were just starting to become friends! You wanted to prove that you wouldn't bother the gang and drag them down. In the end, you're blind to your actions and prove Yoongi right. It made you feel like jumping off a cliff. All of you have been waiting for a while, not hearing much of the conversation with the other gang. Yoongi was probably still angry at Myon, Namjoon was probably furious at a lot of people, and then Seokjin and Hoseok were most likely confused by everything. It was a lot to take in.

Soon, the voices became quiet and you heard the sound of footsteps instead. All the boys lifted their heads in anticipation while you continued to look down at your feet. Gosh, your heart was pounding so hard against your chest. It wasn't like Namjoon was going to hurt you or anything like that, but you still felt terrified. Pink hair or not, Namjoon could be terrifying when he wanted to be. Right now was a prime example. He stormed into the warehouse with his hands deep in his pockets. He looked annoyed from handling Myon and so you weren't too happy to be talked to after that. Yoongi had a small smirk on his face, waiting for you to be told to get scolded in front of everyone. Seokjin and Hoseok spaced themselves out a bit, not standing behind their leader which helped make things not so intimidating.

The pink hair didn't sit in the chair in front of the couch. He remained standing tall, eyeing you all down. Taehyung was starting to break down and was going to spill everything until Jimin pinched him. The four of you weren't trying to hold information from Namjoon, but you didn't want him to get angrier. Who knows how he'll react to find out that you've been in the back for a while? Jimin taught you some techniques that maybe he shouldn't have shared. Biting your lip, you glanced at Jungkook who was glaring at the ground.

"Look at me, Jeon Jungkook." Namjoon sighed. Jungkook closed his eyes before finally begrudgingly facing his hyung. Everyone shifted uncomfortably on the couch, wanting the scolding to be over with. "Why are you here, (F/n)?" He questioned, plain and simple.

"...well I—" You stammered, but he wasn't finished. He continued to throw things in your face as he paced back and forth.

"You came here after I told you not to. Somehow you're here anyway!" Namjoon scoffed. "And I know d*mn well that these three boys helped you in coming here. All of you went against my word."

"You're only mad because she got caught!" Jungkook barked back to get a shocked expression from his older members.

"No, I'm mad because her coming was dangerous! Now the others know she exists and she has close ties with us!" Namjoon raised his voice at the youngest. "Not because she suddenly popped her head up! When you mature, you will understand that this is serious! This isn't a game of hide and seek!"

"You should know better not to speak to Namjoon like that." Seokjin crossed his arms, narrowing his eyes on the brunette next to you.

"Show him respect. You entered this gang and he has taught you so many things. You could still learn a lot from him." Hoseok scoffed. Jungkook gritted his teeth but calmed down from his fit of rage. Yoongi didn't say a word. He kept a judgmental glare at everyone on the couch. You were surprised at Jungkook's little outburst for you. Of course, you appreciated the fact that he wanted to defend you, but you had to side with the older members.

Each member that sat with you on the couch felt injustice. They only wanted to bring their friend along as long as she wasn't caught. That's what was supposed to happen. The gang wouldn't be too mad if you suddenly appeared later in the night. Curiosity killed the cat though and this wasn't the satisfaction to bring it back. You'd rather stay dead. Swallowing hard, you glanced at the two boys on your left. Jimin was feeling extreme guilt while Taehyung looked like he was going to blow.

A Warehouse Full of Memories || BTS x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon