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Jungkook Bonus Ending

There's been something that's been bothering you for a while now. Of course, you're happy. The two of you are extremely happy together. Everyone figured you guys would end up together. He's always there for you and you've always been there for him. It didn't take long into second year for you to figure out your feelings for him. Things started out easy at first besides dealing with some slight jealousy from the other boys. They eventually calmed down to let you be happy with the guy you found yourself falling for. The problem was that you felt your relationship wasn't his main focus. It's okay for him to focus on other things, but it feels like you guys are friends who kiss. You want to make the relationship work, but you don't want to come off as needy. Is that possible?

It's been a couple of months and you've been happily dating Jimin. During the summer, you cleared your thoughts and drama was no longer in your life. That gave you time to really think about the boys who wanted your affection. You did your best to think about who you genuinely liked in that way and your heart continuously leaned towards Jimin. He just felt like the right match. If you didn't go with him then you would have called yourself crazy. Soon you confessed to Jimin at the beginning of the year and that was it. The two of you began dating. It was all nice and happy in the beginning. Happy. That word is starting to frustrate you because you wanted to feel it. You wanted to feel it in your relationship, but you couldn't.

The reason you've been feeling this upset is because of Jam Entertainment. Yes, Jimin needs to complete his dreams. He's doing that by being a trainee and learning everything he needs to know about Jam Entertainment. He goes there practically every day after school. You can text him all you want, but he won't be answering until you're ready to go to bed. Everything he sends you is sweet. You adore him and he adores you. It makes you smile, but then you always end up feeling like this relationship doesn't even exist. Jimin hasn't gone on a date with you for a long time now. He kept promising and you liked that he was determined to make it work with you, but the promises had to stop.

Jimin didn't know for sure when he could spend time with you. If he had free time then he would rest and take the day off. Being a trainee is demanding so you understand. It made you sad that you couldn't make him feel energized. He was excited to dance. His dreams were coming true and you were so proud of all his hard work. But then you felt needy for wanting him to spend time with you instead of going to Jam Entertainment. Is that crazy? How much time is too much time? You only wanted to hang out with your boyfriend after school. How come that felt so hard to ask for? Even though you were having all these struggles, you wanted to pull through. This relationship isn't going to die.

Today at school, you're going to ask Jimin if he wants to eat lunch with you privately. Normally you guys sit with the rest of the boys, but you were going to make this a date. It was at school and how private could you guys get? Still, you wanted to make efforts to feel better. You've been noticing that Jimin feels the same way. He always texts you and calls you any chance he gets, but the timing never works. Not until now though! Jungkook, Taehyung, and you stood in the hall waiting for Jimin to arrive. The plan was to ask him and let the boys know that you wouldn't be eating lunch with them. Jimin and you were going to have a lunch date!

"There he is!" Taehyung pointed at the boy jogging to our spot.

"Finally, your girlfriend has been getting lonely." Jungkook scoffed. "She has something important to ask you."

"R-Really?" Jimin turned to you, calming down his breathing.

"I do! It's nothing scary though." You smiled at him. "I was wondering if you wanted to eat lunch all alone today."

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