True Love

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Min Yoongi

You were walking around bloated at nine months. Almost everything you did was uncomfortable. Scratch that, existing was uncomfortable. It was worth it though. The baby was due in about two weeks and then all this pain will be worth it. Suddenly the swollen ankles, back pain, and hip pain will disappear. Yoongi will be thrilled to see his son born, but he'll be glad not to see you crying from the pain anymore. Having your hips slowly open and prepare to give birth was not an amazing experience. It felt sharp at times, making your lovely lower area sensitive and it was just a b*tch to deal with. Hyosung unnie did her best to comfort you when she was around, but she's never been pregnant herself.

She has gotten d*ck though lately! That is major improvement and you were happy to hear it from your sister. Her long drought was over when she reconnected with an old flame out of desperation. Surprisingly enough, they were trying again to date. His name was Hyungseong and you still found it funny that Jimin apparently knew that guy. Small world. Yoongi teased your sister a lot about her struggles with men, but when he got this news he was actually happy for her. The two of you applauded her and then quickly proceeded to tell her to latch on to this guy or else she'll remain single for the rest of her life. The two of you were just trying to be helpful.

As you waddled around the apartment, you hummed to yourself. Yoongi told you not to do any more housework. He promised that he would take care of it, but he spends so much time at the center that you didn't want him to come back from work only to work again. Besides, you could still move. Not well, but still. Holly was currently sitting on the couch, playing with the toy version of him. The poor plushie was so old now. There were bald patches and honestly, it was pretty beaten by the dog who naturally loved to swing it around like crazy in his mouth. It was a little funny considering they looked the same. They used to.

You were currently doing some light sweeping. Normally, you would be running your flower shop right about now. That wasn't happening for obvious reasons at the moment. You were getting ready to pop any day now, but you had someone looking over the shop for you. Wonjae was doing it for you. He was the first boy Yoongi changed for the better. He was an adult now since he was twenty and was working on trying to keep his life in track. He wasn't going to turn back to what it used to be with the help of the Min family. Then Yuna also worked there part time since she needed money to help with her baby. She was currently six months pregnant so it wouldn't be long before she gave birth as well. The two were helping you out a great deal though.

Taking step forward, you tried reaching down for the dustpan. That wasn't a really good idea considering how pregnant you were. You can't see your toes standing up so there's no way you'll be able to reach it unless you lay down. Then it'll be a huge struggle just to get up all over again. Clicking your tongue in annoyance, you stomped your foot in a huff when you felt like something popped. You automatically furrowed your brows before it felt like you were peeing yourself. A gush of liquid left you as you gasped in shock. Oh God! You looked over at Holly who tilted his head at you.

"I think my water broke!" You panicked before realizing you were talking to a dog. A dog can't drive you to the hospital! Rushing to the kitchen table, you grabbed your phone to call Yoongi. It wouldn't be long before you felt your contractions. Crap, you're supposed to time those too. You don't know what you're doing.

"Hello?" Yoongi's voice came in.

"My water broke!!" You shouted as you heard a clang in the background.

"F*ck! Sh*t! Namjoon, I'm going!" Yoongi was panting now. "Don't worry! I'm on my way to get you!"

"Hurry! Thank you!" You shut your eyes tightly as the painful contraction hit.

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