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The main thing you were hoping for was that school wouldn't call your home about skipping the last few periods. They called once about the fight and that got you into your fight with your sister. You really weren't looking forward to a second fight. Luckily, Namjoon assured you that they wouldn't call. Was it because a bunch of kids tended to skip after lunch? Sometimes how the school ran itself still surprised you. There were perks though. You got to have your hair down, wear makeup, and not have every part of your uniform be correct. Those were the nice things about the school. What sucked were all the awful students that went there. Giant gossips, girl's ready to fight, and people like Woohyun. Maybe you were biased, but you preferred your 'bullet boys'. You'd take Yoongi any day over Woohyun.

They brought you back to the warehouse with them. Yoongi didn't care to give you a warm welcome back and immediately went to the table that sat in the far back. Hoseok would have stayed with the first years, but he was still annoyed about what had happened earlier. The four of you apologized profusely during the car ride, but you understood that he would get over it soon. Namjoon told you guys not to worry about it. You and the rest of the first years gathered around the dirty green couch. Seokjin and Namjoon were talking about actually putting a door in the warehouse. There was just an open door frame, but now that they had neighbors they had reason to worry. It's not like they hid much here. All drugs were sold at the moment or kept at this different place in the country. Jimin told you that, but you couldn't let the older members know you knew that.

Taehyung was currently shouting at Hoseok from afar while Jungkook stayed silent on the couch. He exerted himself a little too much today. He wasn't as weak as he used to be. There were only a few times where he had to sit down. Yoongi predicted that he would be fine in about one more week. Then he would be completely clean of steroids and symptoms! You were so excited. It made you incredibly proud of your Jungkookie. Jimin tapped your shoulder as you were smiling softly at the cute bunny who was starting to nap. Turning to face the blonde next to you, he got up from the couch and gave a hand motion telling you to follow him. Looking at everyone in the warehouse, they were too busy to notice you sneaking off with the boy.

Hurrying off with Jimin, the two of you came into the back where they used to have those giant crates full of drugs. They were all gone and now it was just an empty room with one closet. That's when Jimin opened the closet door. What did he want to show you? It was a little puzzling when he opened the small closet door and told you to come follow him. The two of you would be pretty squished in there. Blushing lightly, you didn't understand what he was trying to get at. Jimin then pulled something down that led to a higher room. What!? You never knew such a place existed in the warehouse! The place was always really huge and definitely had room for a second story, but you didn't think there was one.

He held his hands out for you to step on like when he found you at the deal. With an excited smile, you held onto his shoulders as you placed your foot in his hands. Jimin lifted you as high as he could, and you gripped the second floor. It wasn't too hard to get up there. The place wasn't the cleanest, but you did have a slight view of everyone inside the warehouse. No wonder you never noticed this place before. It even had a secret entrance! Soon Jimin came inside and closed the small entrance door for extra privacy. He gave you a big smile as he crawled over to you. The second floor was more like a tiny attic. You had to be really short if you want to stand up in here.

"Is this what you wanted to show me?" You asked as he shook his head. You had your knees close to your chest with your arms wrapped around them. Jimin sat with his legs crossed and pulled something out from his back pocket.

"I wanted to show you this flyer that I found." Jimin handed the blue piece of paper to you. Grabbing a hold of it, you unfolded the paper. The fold lines had already lost their original color so he's must have kept this for a while now. Reading the flyer, you slowly felt your smile grow into a giant grin. A free dance class! This was perfect for Jimin!

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