Dancing with Deals

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Everyone was gathered in the warehouse and you were there with them too. Yoongi gave you a side glance but tried not to pay too much attention to you. He's been biting his tongue a lot lately. Anytime he feels like saying anything to you, he goes over to assist Seokjin whether he needs help or not. Currently, Seokjin was getting an unwanted back massage. The eldest just wanted to eat peacefully. Shaking your head, you kept to yourself on the dusty green couch. Jimin and Taehyung were messing around with Hoseok once again. Their hyung was trying to ignore them as they turned on flashlights directly on his face. He kept his eyes closed and was doing his best. Those boys just can't seem to leave poor Hoseok alone. No wonder he got fed up with babysitting. That and we locked him out the cafeteria.

Feeling a dip on the couch, your turned to see who had sat next to you. It was none other than the maknae who was pretending to be casual. He looked away from you, leaning over his legs while pressing his palms against each other like subtle claps. Jungkook let out a soft whistle before his gaze shifted towards yours. He was surprised to see you already staring at him with a smile. You had your elbow resting on the arm of the couch with your cheek resting in your hand. Both your legs were tucked in on the couch while Jungkook had his feet planted on the concrete. He was still until he turned his whole body in your direction.

The two of you haven't talked since that little fight in Mr. Pyo's classroom. You gave him a smile and he returned one, but that was it as much as interactions go. Jungkook didn't talk to you during lunch or the ride over to the warehouse. None of the members saw the slight tension between you guys. Honestly, you really wanted to put it behind you. It was a dumb thing anyway. He wants to protect you and it's hard to get mad at him for that. You just want to be a good friend, but the both of you do have to be respectful. That's all. It still surprised you that Taehyung or Hoseok didn't question Jungkook's silence towards you. Maybe if it were Jimin, they'd definitely pick up on it.

"I'm sorry for blowing up in your face like that. And for running away." Jungkook sighed. "I don't want things to be awkward between us."

"It's okay. I'm sorry too for being nosey." You placed your hand on his shoulder. "C'mon, we're good friends. We were not gonna let this make things awkward."

"You're right!" Jungkook began to grin widely. Giving him a hug, he was happy that everything was cleared up. You were glad to have it gone. The both of you have too much fun together to let something like that ruin a perfectly good friendship.

Jungkook pulled away from the hug, ready to say something else. He sadly didn't get the chance as Namjoon came hurrying in from the entrance. The leader spoke over the youngest, catching each member's attention in a second. It didn't take long for the warehouse to lose its liveliness. Taehyung and Jimin stopped tugging at Hoseok's legs and arms. Seokjin stopped threatening Yoongi with a chopstick and Jungkook was alert. He was ready to listen to the words coming from the pink hair. Tilting your head to the side, you wondered if a gang meeting was going to take place. Namjoon didn't look too distressed. His expression was similar to when you last saw him at his house.

"We need to load up the truck. We have a deal tonight!" Namjoon grinned to see all the first years get excited.

"What about Seokjin?" Yoongi asked. The eldest's face was thrilled at the thought of a deal, but it fell as Yoongi talked about him. "Should he go with his arm?"

"Of course, I can! I'm still a good driver. I'm tired of being babied by you." Seokjin frowned. "I want to be close to danger again and escape at the last chance. I miss that."

"Preach!" Taehyung shouted. "Namjoon hyung told me to find a deal as fast as I could. I got this one on the other side of town so we need to go now if we want to make it on time without making them angry."

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